English Edition
- By CNI
- Category: English Section
- Hits: 22
CNI News
25 January 2025
It was necessary to value the life of a soldier of the Myanmar Tatmadaw which was difficult for many people to own it, said chairman of the State Administration Council.
He said the above while he was inspecting the military training school and the Tatmadaw Television Broadcasting Corps in Taung Nyo Cantonment.
"Our country's current population is about 52 million, with 47 percent male and 53 percent female. Of them, only a small number of people have embraced military service. So, it's necessary to value of the life of a soldier because they can serve the State defense and security duties." said Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing, adding that it was necessary for soldiers who are serving noble duties for the sake of the State and the people to be proud of themselves and to fulfill the assigned responsibilities.
Officers and soldiers were diligently carrying out national defense and security duties on the front lines and their families also lived together and were filling with virtue.
He recognized and congratulated on their work for the sake of the State and the people, said Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing.
- By CNI
- Category: English Section
- Hits: 23
CNI News
25 January 2025
Those who wrote news that encourages terrorism would be taken action against in accordance with existing laws, said Union Minister for Information, U Maung Maung Ohn during his meeting with the Myanmar Press Council in Yangon on 21st January 2025.
" News media must avoid writing pieces of news that encourages terrorists, that causes panic among the people, and that will destroy the peace and stability of the country and those who don't comply with the warning will be taken action against in accordance with existing laws; it's necessary to let news media know widely; I want to urge the press council to cooperate so as not to prevent writing pieces of news like this." said Minister U Maung Maung Ohn.
The council can perform its duties freely in line with the law, and needs to oppose the destructive actions of terrorists and firmly stand with the public in media means.
While seeing Minister U Maung Maung Ohn was meeting with the Myanmar Press Council
Moreover, it should express positive news refraining from informal writing styles affecting the government and Tatmadaw based on misinformation, he said.
The current Myanmar news world was going to two extremes and those who were writing in accordance with the rules of media ethics became fewer. Moreover, protections for journalists were also very weak, pointed out Myanmar journalists.
It was necessary to designate clearly which kind of news was one that encouraged terrorism and restrictions on avoiding writing that could harm the government and the Tatmadaw presumably meant that biased pieces of news must be written, pointed out Myanmar journalists.
While seeing Myanmar journalists (Photo-Frontier Myanmar)
" While the chairman of the SAC is inviting even armed groups and terrorist groups to discuss politics, if the journalists will be arrested because they wrote pieces of news that encourage terrorism and that destroy the peace and stability of the state, is it just and fair? It should be reconsidered, I think. The authorities should designate clearly which kind of news encourages terrorism." said a Myanmar journalist.
If the SAC took action against journalists, it could take action against journalists within the country, who didn't go abroad for many reasons and being unable to take action against journalists abroad was not just and fair, said Myanmar journalists.
The SAC should carefully study the current situation in the Myanmar news world and find ways how it should keep and cooperate with journalists, pointed out Myanmar journalists.
- By CNI
- Category: English Section
- Hits: 65
CNI News
24 January 2025
Military and political analysts are considering whether the State Administration Council (SAC) will give priority to military or politics.
According the current situation, although politics could be given priority, if political means didn't work at all, military means would be maintained, director of the Thayninga Institute for Strategy Studies, U Thein Tun Oo told CNI News.
" Personally, according to the current situation, the SAC is more inclined to solve politically. It's the political discussion. But are EAOs including organizations declared as terrorist organizations going to accept the SAC's invitation to discuss politically? If the political means doesn't work at all, it could lead to the military means." said U Thein Tun Oo.
ASEAN countries urged the SAC on 19th January 2025 to start political dialogues after ceasing fire immediately without giving priority to the election.
Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing said that it was necessary to solve the political problem through the political means and invited stakeholders to meet and discuss politically.
While seeing political parties and Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing
The SAC was driving both military and politics at the same time in 2025, chairman of the Arakan Front Party (AFP) Dr. Aye Maung told CNI News.
" According to the constitution, the SAC will carry out to make the Hluttaw government arise and it will focus on the military task more. It can try to make both of them move. Roughly speaking, the election can be held in May. The People's Military Service Law came into effect in February 2024. Air Force and Navy have been building in a bigger way since 27th October 2023. It will use army, air force and navy force in 2025. Now, from a defensive position, we are starting to see some offensive patterns. So, it seems to be driving military and politics at the same time." said Dr. Aye Maung.
Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing have urged armed organizations to renounce weapons and run the election and demanding what they wanted with armed attacks would not be complied; they should demand what they wanted from inside the Hluttaw, he said.
While seeing leaders from the AA, the TNLA and the MNDAA
A ceasefire agreement was signed between the Myanmar Tatmadaw and the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) due to Chinese mediation, said Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Miss Mao Ning at the regular press conference held on 20th January 2025.
The TNLA and the AA announced that they wanted to meet and discuss with the Myanmar Tatmadaw due to China's mediation.
However, no meeting or discussion has been held yet and battles are severely breaking out between the Myanmar Tatmadaw and the AA in areas bordering Rakhine Yoma.
At present, the Myanmar Tatmadaw has lost control of the Northeast Command and the West Command, including over 90 townships as well as several military camps.
- By CNI
- Category: English Section
- Hits: 51
CNI News
24 January 2025
As the ceasefire agreement between the Myanmar Tatmadaw and the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) is a good sign for restoring trade routes, it could bring relief to the public, chairman of the PNLO-NCA/S, Col. Khun Okkar told CNI News.
With China's mediation, the ceasefire agreement was signed by the Myanmar Tatmadaw and the MNDAA, said Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Miss Mao Ning at the regular press conference on 20th January 2025.
The MNDAA and the Myanmar Tatmadaw met in Kunming, China on 16th January and agreed to cease fire on 18th January. However, details of the agreement have not been disclosed.
The agreement could bring relief to the public and it was a good sign to re-open the border gates. Moreover, the agreement could encourage other northern allies to cease fire, Col. Khun Okkar told CNI News.
While seeing Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Miss Mao Ning
" In any case, the ceasefire agreement could bring relief to the public for the time being. The people don't have to worry about the danger of bombs. But details regarding give and take have to be watched. It will be a good sign to re-open the border trade gates. It seems to reach a agreement without hurting both sides. This agreement could soon spread to other northern alliance groups." said Col. Khun Okkar.
"Deescalating tensions in northern Myanmar serves the common interests of all parties in Myanmar and regional countries, and is conducive to ensuring the safety and security, stability and development of the China-Myanmar border area." said Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning, adding that China stands ready to actively promote talks for peace and provide support and help for the peace process in northern Myanmar.
After the agreement was reached, the Chinese side has reopened Chin Shwe Haw and Yanlonkyine border gates while the UWSA has allowed the transportation of goods between the Kokang region and the Wa region, reported the UWSA on 20th January 2025.
While seeing chairman of the SAC Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing
The ceasefire agreement probably was reached also due to China's pressure, Dr. Hla Kyaw Zaw, a China-Myanmar affairs commentator, told CNI News.
" It's likely that the ceasefire agreement was reached because of China's pressure. The MNDAA had been saying for long that they would cease fire. But the military council didn't say anything about it. I notice that the military council has stopped bombing for a couple of days. Now both sides have announced at the same time that they will cease fire. In the past, the Kokang alone complied with China's pressure. Now, military council has complied. The military council makes a loss. It asked the MNDAA to give Lashio back. It had to agree to cease fire without getting Lashio. The MNDAA will build its territories like the UWSA and the NDAA." said Dr. Hla Kyaw Zaw.
The MNDAA has seized control of China-Myanmar border trade posts - Chin Shwe Haw, Laukkai, Kyukote, Monko and Theinni in northern Shan State.
- By CNI
- Category: English Section
- Hits: 45
CNI News
23 January 2025
Military chiefs of Myanmar and Thailand met and discussed ways to crack down online fraud together.
Vice-chairman of the State Administration Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defense Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Soe met and discuss with the Advisory Board Chairman of the Office of the Royal Thai Army Chief and Head of Army Operations Centre, Neighboring Countries Coordination Centre (NCCC) General Direk Bongkarn on 21st January 2025.
They discussed matters relating to elimination of human trafficking, online financial fraud at the meeting.
Myanmar’s legal action against illegal trawler and its fishermen of Thailand who fished illegally in Myanmar waters and the desired process, exchange of information for stability of border areas were discussed, reported the SAC.
While the BGF, the DKBA and Chinese businessmen were discussing about Zha Pian
There are online frauds (Zha Pian) in the Shwe Kokko New Town Project and KK Park.
Chinese actor Wang Xing was trafficked and other foreigners are being trafficked there.
This region has been controlled by the Karen State Border Guard force and the Democratic Karen Benevolent Army (DKBA) and they are doing business of online gambling and casinos in cooperation with Chinese business people.
Online frauds (Zha Pian) within Myanmar were located in the areas where EAO have been active and electricity and internet, basic needs, were gained from other countries, reported the State Administration Council (SAC) on 20th January 2025.
Thai PM Paetongtarn, online fraudsters and Zha Pian illegal business in Shwe Kokko
There are online frauds in the UWSA-controlled and the NDAA-controlled territories as well as Kokang self-administered regions controlled by the Kokang Border Guard Force.
Online frauds have been in the Philippines and Cambodia since 2015 and they reached Myanmar in later 2019.
While Myanmar was handing over online fraudsters within the UWSA territory to China
Foreign nationals involved in online fraud and online gambling were investigated and identified by the SAC and 55,711 illegal immigrants who were arrested from Laukkai, Muse, Tachileik, Myawaddy Towns and other border areas were sent back to their native countries.
The SAC sent illegal foreigners back to their native countries from 5th October 2023 to 13th January 2025 and of them, 53,388 people were sent back to China and 648 to Thailand and 20 to South Korea and 22 to Laos and 1,149 to Vietnam and 19 to the Philippines and 142 to Malaysia and 21 to Taiwan and 2 to Singapore and one to Poland and one to Spain and 13 to Russia and 38 to Indonesia and 3 to Uganda and two to Egypt and three to Cambodia and 96 to India and three to Morocco and two to Northern Ireland and one to Kazakhstan and two to Kanya and 60 to Sri Lanka and one to South Africa and one to Hong Kong and two to Sierra Leone and one to Ghana and one to Burundi and one to Turkmenistan and there are 55711 people altogether.
- By CNI
- Category: English Section
- Hits: 63
CNI News
23 January 2025
The National Unity Government (NUG) would quickly win the victory only if it cooperated with EAOs, Dr. Hla Kyaw Zaw, a Myanmar-China affairs analyst, told CNI News.
Because there were many Bamar people in the NUG, if we could form an alliance with ethnic armed groups, it would be better, she said.
" Most members of the NUG are Bamar people. Bamar people alone can't succeed. Operation-1027 has given a lesson to us. Victory can be achieved quickly by joining forces with ethnic armed groups. It would be better if we could form a coalition of revolutionary forces. Simply appointing ethnic people to positions will not solve the problems. If you give a Shan national a position, all Shan people will agree. If you give a Karen national a position, all Karen people will agree. It's impossible." said Dr. Hla Kyaw Zaw.
While seeing the TNLA
By involving leaders from ethnic alliances in the NUG, the revolution could be spread more widely, said Duwa Lashi La, Acting President of the NUG on 14th January. Moreover, the NUG would need to make reforms quickly in 2025, said PM of the NUG Mahn Win Khine Than at the meeting held on 7th January.
Rather than recruiting with ethnic leaders in the NUG, if the NUG was re-structured, it would be more appropriate, said U Khun Sai taking part in the peace process, told CNI News.
While seeing a KIA official and U Yi Mon
" The NUG proposed to be a federal government since the beginning. It demanded to make governments that represent every state. I think that's how it should be right now. Rather than If we restructure the NUG rather than replenish, it would be more appropriate to win democracy and federalism." said U Khun Sai.
Although Acting President and PM of the NUG expressed to reshuffle the cabinet every so often this month, details have not yet been disclosed.
EAOs and the PDFs have seized control of 144 townships across the country, announced the NUG's Defense Ministry on 4th January 2025.
The NUG was not as successful as EAOs during the past four years of revolutionary period, pointed out some people.
- By CNI
- Category: English Section
- Hits: 59
CNI News
23 January 2025
China decisively supported the political discussion under the 2008 constitution, said Miss Mao Ning, spokesperson of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
She said the above at the regular press conference that was held on 20th January 2025.
"China firmly supports Myanmar in safeguarding independence, sovereignty, national unity and territorial integrity, firmly supports Myanmar’s effort to keep the country peaceful and stable and grow its economy, and firmly supports Myanmar in realizing political reconciliation at an early date and advancing its domestic political agenda under the framework of the constitution." said Miss Mao Ning.
With China's mediation, the MNDAA and the Myanmar Tatmadaw met and discussed in Kunming, China for the 7th time on 16th and 17th January 2025.
While seeing the MNDAA leaders and Lt-Gen Ko Ko Oo from the Myanmar Tatmadaw
Both sides agreed to cease fire at the meeting and it would take into effect on 18th January 2025, released China.
" China and Myanmar are friendly neighbors, and we firmly oppose wars and turbulence in Myanmar. We hope that all parties will maintain the momentum of ceasefire and peace talks, earnestly implement existing common understandings, take the initiative in deescalating the situation on the ground, and further negotiate and settle relevant issues through dialogue." said Miss Mao Ning.
Armed organizations could not demand what they want by armed attack and they must discuss politically after renouncing their weapons, said Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing.
The SAC and the Myanmar Tatmadaw could not discuss politics and the peace process beyond the 2008 constitution. Moreover, according to the 2008 constitution, the SAC was not allowed to recognize territories captured by EAOs.
While seeing Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing.
Discussions will only be held about it during the period of the civilian government that will emerge from the elections, pointed out military and political analysts.
In collaboration with the AA, the TNLA, the PDFs, the BPLA, the KNDF, the BNRA, the MDY-PDF, the PLA, and the DPLA, the MNDAA launched Operation-1027 on 27th October 2023 and fought against the Myanmar Tatmadaw in northern Shan State. Moreover, the second wave of the operation was started on 25th June 2025 and fought against the Myanmar Tatmadaw.
And then, the MNDAA and its allies were able to seize control of the Northeast Command of the Myanmar Tatmadaw, Lashio, Phaungsai, Theinni, Chin Shwe Haw, Laukkai, Kon Kyan, Monko and Kyukote (Pansai).
- By CNI
- Category: English Section
- Hits: 70
CNI News
22 January 2025
If federalism was established in Myanmar, the 2008 constitution must be lifted, military and political analysts told CNI News. Many points that go against federalism are included in the 2008 constitution and national politics does not contain the army, chairman of the PNLO-NCA/S, an NCA signatory, Col. Khun Okkar told CNI News.
So, federalism could not be built with the 2008 constitution, he said.
" Federalism can't be built with the 2008 constitution. If we get the draft constitution, the 2008 constitution will have to be repealed. We can't build the federalism, centered on the 2008 constitution. The army doesn't have any power in the federalism. The federalism of any country doesn't contain any participation of the army. The 2008 Constitution contains many provisions that are against federalism. Only when the 2008 constitution is withdrawn, will it make way for the federalism." said Col. Khun Okkar.
While the 2008 Constitution was being read
However, to withdraw the 2008 constitution depended on the military and political negotiations, considered some people.
Because everyone in Myanmar wanted federalism, although it was not easy, it was not difficult; the main thing was to really want to walk on the federal path, considered military and political analysts.
Finding an answer at the roundtable could be waited even though it might take long; not fighting only was more important, U Khun Sai taking part in the peace process told CNI News.
" Normally, it's not easy because the one side is saying that the 2008 Constitution is federalism as well and on the other side is demanding higher level such as confederation than the federalism as time goes by. As one country two systems form has become, in any case, it needs to be discussed. Discussion is no problem. But fighting only is the problem." said U Khun Sai.
While seeing leaders from the Myanmar Tatmadaw and EAOs
In Myanmar, many EAOs and political parties are demanding federalism while some EAOs are demanding confederation. Some want the unitary union system and others want to abolish the 2008 Constitution.
Federal system is a system of political governance that is constituted by ethnicities and the people's representatives.
Federalism term is used to describe the government administration system in which there is a division of power among the central government and regional government.
- By CNI
- Category: English Section
- Hits: 42
CNI News
22 January 2025
Online frauds (Zha Pian) were located in the areas where EAO have been active and electricity and internet, basic needs, were gained from other countries, reported the State Administration Council (SAC) on 20th January 2025.
Some foreigners were widely carrying out online fraud and gambling with the involvement of self-interested individuals from related areas, including EAOs, reported the SAC.
Those who committed online fraud and gambling targeted the areas where there were difficulties and limitations for law enforcement agencies and administrative authorities to fully exercise control and online fraudsters were collaborating with some EAOs including NCA signatories and self-interested individuals from related areas, reported the SAC.
Online fraudsters were using electricity and internet from another country and most basic facilities were invested by foreign organizations, reported the SAC.
" Chinese people are not lying to Myanmar people, nor are Myanmar people lying to Chinese people. A group of fugitives who have committed crimes and are guilty of it are lying to both countries. So, The guilty must be identified and prosecuted while action must also be taken against those who protect them." said the SAC.
Online frauds and gambling have been conducted since 2015 and they reached Myanmar in later 2019.
Foreign nationals involved in online fraud and online gambling were investigated and identified by the SAC and 55,711 illegal immigrants who were arrested from Laukkai, Muse, Tachileik, Myawaddy Towns and other border areas were went back to their native countries.
The SAC sent illegal foreigners back to their native countries from 5th October 2023 to 13th January 2025 and of them, 53,388 people were sent back to China and 648 to Thailand and 20 to South Korea and 22 to Laos and 1,149 to Vietnam and 19 to the Philippines and 142 to Malaysia and 21 to Taiwan and 2 to Singapore and one to Poland and one to Spain and 13 to Russia and 38 to Indonesia and 3 to Uganda and two to Egypt and three to Cambodia and 96 to India and three to Morocco and two to Northern Ireland and one to Kazakhstan and two to Kanya and 60 to Sri Lanka and one to South Africa and one to Hong Kong and two to Sierra Leon and one to Ghana and one to Burundi and one to Turkmenistan and there are 55711 people altogether.