English Edition

- By CNI
- Category: English Section
- Hits: 131
CNI News
18 January 2025
2025 could be the year that starts finding a way to reach a decision in order to be able to solve political and military problems, chairman of the PNLO-NCA/S, an NCA signatory, Col. Khun Okkar told CNI News.
It is hoped that political dialogues will be held this year because the State Administration Council (SAC) was not able to hold any great political dialogues and create good results.
Moreover, many people consider that military activities will be sped up while others think that political sector will be given priority to.
"This year may be the year that starts searching for a way to reach a decision. Because it's the election season now, the peace process and the implementation of the NCA may be delayed. As armed battles are given priority a bit and finding a way by election is also given priority, the NCA and peace talks are not given priority for the time being. But 20 days later, if political performance is given priority more, the NCA and peace process could be started again. But if the military activities will be sped up, the peace process will be a long way." said Col. Khun Okkar.
While seeing Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing and representatives from political parties
Some EAOs and revolutionary forces have announced that they will wage more battles in 2025. If the fighting becomes more widespread this year, the decisive situation may be closer, spokesperson of the United Nationalities Alliance (UNA), U Myo Kyaw told CNI News.
" If battles become widespread, it may be drawing nearer to reach a decision because the military council had to lost control of many territories including military commands and townships. This is the consequence of the widespread battles. It's obvious after Operation-1027. "If the revolutionary leaders who are leading the main military action do what they say, it's very likely to reach a decision." said U Myo Kyaw.
Armed conflicts broke out widespread throughout the country in 2023 and 2024 and the Myanmar Tatmadaw had to lost control of several hundred military camps including the Northeast Command and the West Command as well as over 90 townships.
Because the six month tenure of the SAC will expire on 31st January 2025, EAOs and peacemaking organizations are watching the political landscape that will evolve.

- By CNI
- Category: English Section
- Hits: 110
CNI News
18 January 2025
It was too difficult to produce an answer from the discussions between the Myanmar Tatmadaw and EAOs, director of the Thayninga Institute for Strategy Studies U Thein Tun Oo told CNI News.
Although there was an agreement between the Myanmar Tatmadaw and the MNDAA to meet and discuss again on 15th January 2025, it was put off to 16th January 2025.
At China's brokered mediation, the Myanmar Tatmadaw and the MNDAA discussed in Kunming, Yunnan Province, China on 15th January 2024, the discussion broke down without any results.
If the discussions that were held were studied, results were rarely produced and because the two organizations' destinations were different, it might be too difficult to produce an answer, said U Thein Tun Oo.
" Normally, discussions are held. if the problem was solved politically, how far will it go? It must be watched. If all the discussions are studied, results were rarely produced. If the results are not produced, how long will the discussion take? It must be mainly seen. the armed groups have mainly chosen the military path while the government is walking on the political path. It's too difficult to produce an answer logically." said U Thein Tun Oo.
While seeing the MNDAA and the UWSA leaders
Some foreign countries were encouraging armed groups fighting against the Myanmar Tatmadaw directly or indirectly, said Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing in his written speech sent to the celebration of Kayah State Day which fell on 15th January 2025.
Moreover, carrying out terrorist acts by local nationality organizations was showing the lack of national spirit, wrong ideology, political immaturity and betrayal of their regions and nationalities, said chairman of the SAC.
Although the SAC did not accept terrorism, it invited armed organizations to discuss the political problem, chairman of the Arakan Front Party (AFP) told CNI News.
While seeing Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing, chairman of the SAC
" In the speeches delivered by the chaorman of the SAC on the days such as national days and state days concerned, he invited armed organizations to discuss in order to solve the political problems through political means. In 2022, he invited to do so after designating as a peaceful year. All the NCA signatories came to discuss. Also, non-NCA signatories such as the UWSA and Myla came. In 2025, in his speeches he doesn't seem to accept terrorism. He invited to discuss politically." said Dr.Aye Maung.
In cooperation with the PDFs, the BPLA, the BNRA, the PLA, and the KNDF, the MNDAA, the AA and the TNLA launched Operation-1027. And then, they captured Chin Shwe Haw, Laukkai, Kon Kyan, Monkoe, Phaungsai, Theinni, Kutkai, Namkham, Nansang, Mangtong, Namtu and Mong Ngor.
During the second wave of Operation-1027 that started on 25th June, they launched offensives to capture Lashio, Kyaukme, Nawnghkio, Mogok, Momeik, Madaya, Sintku and Thabeikkyin.

- By CNI
- Category: English Section
- Hits: 135
CNI News
18 January 2025
Some foreign countries were delaying multi-party democracy and encouraging authoritarianism in the name of democracy, said Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing, chairman of the State Administration Council (SAC).
He said the above in his written speech sent to the 73rd anniversary celebration of Kayah State Day which fell on 15th January 2025.
"The current unrest and violence in the country are because those who claim to be struggling for democracy attempted to seize state power unjustly through vote fraud and chose the path of armed violence without solving the dispute democratically in accordance with the law. Some foreign countries that claim to be practicing and protecting democracy are directly or indirectly encouraging armed terrorist attacks which are against the democratic system. These countries are delaying the multi-party democratic system which is the will of the people and encouraging dictatorship in the name of democracy so that they can manipulate our country. I want the people to notice that." said Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing.
While seeing the NUG's PM and the PDF
The British colonialists invaded the united country (Myanmar) three times starting in 1824 and ruled Myanmar as a slave state. And then, the British divided and ruled the mainland and mountainous region for over 100 years, he said.
Due to the colonialist's divide and rule, some national races chose the armed policy, and there had been lack of peace and stability so far in the country, said chairman of the SAC.
" For the time being, because of the incitements of some foreign countries, some dissidents and organizations that are ignoring the interests of the pub, false and fabricated news that violates ethics and drags the nation into a dangerous precipice, persuasion and terrorist acts of the NUG, the CRPH and the PDFs, there have been no peace with misunderstandings and disunity among the people in some regions." said chairman of the SAC.
While Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing was meeting with political parties
Having said that the NLD tried to form a government without solving the vote list dispute in the 2020 general election, the Myanmar Tatmadaw overthrew the NLD government and took the State power on 1st February 2021.
And then, the National Unity Government (NUG), the National Unity Consultant Council (NUCC), the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) and the People's Defense Force (PDF) that contain some NLD leaders and members of the Hluttaw, the KIA, the KNPP, the KNU, and the CNF and some EAOs are trying to overthrow the Myanmar Tatmadaw and the SAC.
So, battes are severely taking place between the Myanmar Tatmadaw and armed groups throughout the country and over three million people have already been displaced.
The SAC is carrying out in order to hand over the State power to the winning party in the 2025 general election so that armed conflicts could be stopped and the political crises could be come over.
However, the NUG, the PDFs and armed elements have announced that they will completely destroy the election that will be held by the SAC.

- By CNI
- Category: English Section
- Hits: 149
CNI News
17 January 2025
The State Administration Council would hold a free and fair general election without fail, said chairman of the SAC Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing.
He said the above in his written speech sent to the 73rd anniversary celebration of Kayah State Day which fell on 15th January 2025.
" The government must continue to move towards a genuine and disciplined multi-party democracy, which is the will of the people. In order to be able to do so, necessary preparations are being made so that a free and fair multi-party democratic election. A free and fair general elections that reflect the true will of the voter people will be held without fail." said Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing.
The election would be held in 2025 and the State power would be handed over to the winning party, he had said. However, the exact date on which it will be held has not yet been announced.
While the meeting of the National Defense and Security Council was being held
The SAC could stop its tenure for the state of emergency in May and the election could be held in between September and November after which the transfer of power could be conducted in 2026, considered diplomatic circles.
Because armed groups are trying to overthrow the Myanmar Tatmadaw and the SAC, battles are severely breaking out across the country and there are over three million IDPs.
The battles emerged after the Myanmar Tatmadaw took power on 1st February 2021, saying the NLD government tried to form a government without solving the vote list dispute in the 2020 general election.
The National Unity Government (NUG), the National Unity Consultant Council (NUCC), the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) and the People's Defense Force (PDF) that contain some NLD leaders and members of the Hluttaw, the KIA, the KNPP, the KNU, and the CNF and some EAOs are trying to overthrow the Myanmar Tatmadaw and the SAC.
While seeing the Mandalay PDF
"The current unrest and violence in the country are because those who claim to be struggling for democracy attempted to seize state power unjustly through vote fraud and chose the path of armed violence. Some foreign countries that claim to be practicing and protecting democracy are directly or indirectly encouraging armed terrorist attacks which are against the democratic system." said Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing.
Diplomats at home and abroad are considering holding the election as soon as possible for the ability to stop battles taking place throughout the country and overcome the political crisis.
Although the SAC said that it would hold the election in August 2023, it renewed its tenure for the state of emergency every six months until January 2025, saying because it was not a normal situation.
Renewal of six months for the state of emergency will expire on 31st January 2025 and whether the SAC will extend another six month or not will be watched, said military and political analysts.

- By CNI
- Category: English Section
- Hits: 111
CNI News
17 January 2025
Leaders from Karen State Border Guard Force and the Democratic Karen Benevolent Army (DKBA) and Chinese businessmen held an emergency meeting to tackle online fraud (Zha Pian) in Karen State on 15th January 2025.
How to tackle online fraud, human trafficking and cross-border crimes was discussed in the meeting. In the same way, the meeting also set rules and regulations that business owners who want to invest in Myawaddy Township must follow.
The rules and regulations contain preventing, forced labor, child labor, human trafficking, and torture. Moreover, fraudulent activities and online fraud activities, if they are found, must be reported.
If these rules and regulations are not followed, business closures and deportations will be carried out. Secretary of the Karen State BGF, Brig-Gen Saw Chit Thu and Brig-Gen Saw San Aung from the DKBA as well as several commanders and Chinese business people attended the meeting.
There are online fraudsters in Shwe Kokko Town, Myawaddy District that is controlled by the BGF and they even trafficked Chinese artists.
Moreover, online fraudsters even tried to cheat her and she had directed her government to tackle the town where online fraudsters were staying, said Thai PM Paetongtarn on 15th January.

- By CNI
- Category: English Section
- Hits: 116
CNI News
16 January 2024
Instead of fighting on the source of power, waging battles on the edge of power could cause unnecessary losses for the country, chairman of the PNLO-NCA/S, Col. Khun Okkar told CNI News.
The military operations would be launched in the Bagan-Nyaung U region, Mandalay Region in 2025, announced the Nyaung U PDF on 8th January 2025.
In the same way, Upper Minhla Township PDF warned on 10th January 2025 not to use village roads connecting with the Pathein-Monywa Road.
Moreover, Battles are severely breaking out between the Myanmar Tatmadaw and the AA/CDF-Asho joint forces among three villages - Gaotkyi, Suntet and Lintel villages that are located in the Yoma valley on the Ann-Padan Road, Nagphel Township, Magway Region.
While seeing the TNLA
If armed conflicts were scattering in rural villages, locals and villages would be damaged, Col. Khun Okkar told CNI News.
" Because fighting on the edge of power can cause all-round losses for the country instead of fighting on the source of power, local people or indigenous races and their villages are damaged. Being damaged for long like this is not proper. The idea of forming a coalition of revolutionary forces is what everyone is talking about. Before it can be done, armed conflicts are spreading in rural villages, which is hurting local people." said Col. Khun Okkar.
Because military activities would be increased during 2025 by revolutionary forces, the people should abide by the safety measures, warned chairman of the PSLF/TNLA, General Tar Aik Bong.
Because PDFs had no central control, they were fighting where they wanted to and those who govern must manage to prevent the people from taking up arms and fighting, U Kyi Myint, a political commentator, told CNI News.
While the meeting of the National Defense and Security Council was being held
Because it was necessary to change military results into political ones, discussions were needed. Only if military and politics were in balance, would it be convenient, considered military and political analysts.
Battles are severely breaking out between the Myanmar Tatmadaw and armed groups across Myanmar.
Due to these battles, the Myanmar Tatmadaw has lost control of several hundred military camps including the Northeast Command and the West Command as well as over 90 townships.
However, revolutionary armed groups have not been able to put pressure on Naypyidaw.

- By CNI
- Category: English Section
- Hits: 135
CNI News
16 January 2025
The political path might be given priority after 31st January when the SAC's six month tenure of the state of emergency will expire, chairman of the PNLO-NCA/S, Col. Khun Okkar told CNI News.
Because what would happen to political situation when the SAC renews the tenure has not been known yet, it was necessary to watch the political situation what would arise after 3st January, he said.
" It's necessary to watch the political situation that will arise when the tenure of the SAC expires. Because it's anybody's guess what will happen to the political situation after another six months extension, we have to consider whether to increase military or political activities. In any case, political path will be given priority, I think. Because the military activities reached at peak, it's necessary to promote the political path, which everyone has considered. When the political path is given priority, if armed elements win their political goals through political means, battles might be suspended." said Col. Khun Okkar.
The SAC will have taken the State power for four years on 31st January 2025 after overthrowing the NLD government on 1st February 2021.
The SAC has renewed its tenure six times within four years. As the has repeatedly said that it will hold the election, the SAC might extend the state of emergency for another six months, said military and political analysts.
There were widespread armed conflicts across the country in 2024 and the Myanmar Tatmadaw has lost control of several hundred military camps including the Northeast Command and the West Command as well as over 90 townships.
While Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing was meeting with political parties
So, when the SAC renews for another six months, it might promote the military activities and hold the election, considered military and political analysts.
The SAC would renew for another six months and continue to do what it would have to, spokesperson of the United Nationalities Alliance (UNA), U Myo Kyaw told CNI News.
" I have known the SAC will renew its tenure. It will continue to do what it has to. The SAC has been doing what it wants to since 2021. The SAC hasn't held any constructive talks." he said.
On the one hand, as EAOs and revolutionary forces have announced that they would launch more battles in 2025, more and more military conflict could increase than 2024, said some people.
After renewing its tenure, the SAC could announce in May, 2025 when the election will be held and the election could have been held. And then, there might be plans to hand over the State power to the winning party in April 2026, considered diplomatic circles.

- By CNI
- Category: English Section
- Hits: 113
CNI News
16 January 2025
The 7 EAO Alliance held a meeting and discussed there to make political dialogues arise and the meeting was held on 14th January 2025.
The matters regarding the preparation to act in accordance with the political situation that may arise in 2025 and making political dialogues that contain all stakeholders arise were discussed in the meeting.
Moreover, the matters relating to the implementation of peace process and the promotion of the coordination and cooperation among EAOs as well as the expansion of the local political framework were discussed as well.
The 7 EAO Alliance is made up of seven NCA signatories - the Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS), the New Mon State Party (NMSP), the Lahu Democratic Union, the Arakan Liberation Party (ALP), the Karen National Union/the Karen National Liberation Army- Peace Council (KNU/KNLA-PC), the Democratic Karen Benevolent Army (DKBA) and the Pa-O National Liberation Organization (PNLO).
- By CNI
- Category: English Section
- Hits: 111
CNI News
16 January 2025
Locals were worried that battles would break out in the Bagan region after the announcement by Nyaung U Township PDF that it would wage battles in the Bagan-Nyaung U region, Mandalay Region, which is a World Cultural Heritage Site, because they have to live on tourists, locals told CNI News.
Nyaung U PDF (Bagan Ogre Force) announced on 8th January 2025 that it would wage battles in the Bagan-Nyaung U region, Mandalay Region.
Locals have to be living on tourists who visit Bagan pagodas, they don't want that battles will take place in the Bagna-Nyaung U region, a local said CNI News.
" We, locals, have to live on tourists who visit the pagodas here. We don't want battles will take place in this region because it's an ancient heritage site. Shop owners and children here earn income only when tourists and pilgrims come here. There are almost no other businesses here. If any ancient heritage is damaged, the whole world will know it. It goes without saying that consequences will be very bad if battles break out here." he said.
It would carry out military operations so as not to damage ancient pagodas and cultural heritages and the main military targets would be attacked by well-trained fighters, said the Nyaung U PDF.
The operation would be carried out in cooperation with the ally forces from Myingyan, Taungtha, Natogyi, Kyaukpadaung and Chauk Townships, said the PDF.
If battles were waged, the pagodas and temples would be damaged and battles should not be waged there, pointed out Col. Khun Okkar, an EAO leader.
If battles were launched in the Bagan-Nyaung U region, ancient pagodas and all tourism services in the Bagan region could be affected, U Zwe Htet,a Bagan travel service operator told CNI News.
" If battles break out here in Bagan, it won't be convenient for us because we live on tourists. If battles break out, ancient pagodas can be affected because of fire arms or heavy weapons. All the tourism services could be affected. Lacquerware, hotel and E-bike rental businesses all will be affected." he said.
As soon as battles started, ancient pagodas could be totally damaged and irreplaceable losses could arise; both organizations should not wars that cause a lot of losses and should find an answer to make peace, pointed out tourism entrepreneurs.
43 percent of Myanmar's population are experiencing conflicts due to armed conflicts and nearly 20 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance in 2025, announced the UNOCHA.