English Edition
- By CNI
- Category: English Section
- Hits: 543
CNI News
16 Nov 2022
Myanmar migrants have been warned of protests and travel to other districts they are not allowed to go to, labour activists for Myanmar migrant workers told the CNI.
The summit is scheduled from 16 to 19 November and Thai democracy activists, oppositions, labour and feminist activists are planning to stage protests.
As a result, security has been tightened in the venue of the APEC and related areas in Bangkok.
Preparations for the APEC Summit. (GETTY IMAGES)
Ko Thar Gyi, who has been offering assistance to Myanmar migrant workers, told the CNI, " Thai authorities have announced this officially, the oppositions can secure the release of their citizens who are involved in illegal protests on bail. However, if Myanmar migrants involve in the protest of the opposition, legal action will be taken against them because they are not Thai citizens. The summit is an important one for Thailand, security has been tightened in border areas. Even if labour activists want to stage protests for their rights, they are required to seek permission from authorities."
Thai authorites have announced that legal action will be taken against protestors who come to Bangkok from other provinces during the summit.
Thai authorities are closely monitoring Myanmar migrant workers associations, Consultant U Aung Kyaw of the Migrant Workers Rights Network told the CNI.
He said, "As we are one of the entities which have been pressured by Thai authorities, we can't do anything. They have been pressuring us repeatedly. Don't go to the protests. They will accuse us of tarnishing the image of the country in such an important occasion. As we have been at the forefront of the public movement, they are pressuring us. Those who live in Bangkok may do something else. However, we do not encourage people from other provinces to go to Bangkok as they can be deported to Myanmar. Individuals and organizations are urged to take the issue seriously."
Myanmar migrant workers. (GETTY IMAGES)
U Min Oo of the FED echoed the similar view.
He told the CNI, "Migrant workers are required to bring all official documents if they have to go to other provinces. They should prepare for contacts with their employers and friends. They are now searching not only Myanmar migrants but also for other nationals. It is more important for them to take extra care than before."
Thai authorities have tightened security since October for the summit and been launching stop and check operations.
- By CNI
- Category: English Section
- Hits: 375
CNI News
14 Nov 2022
The Peace Process Steering Team announced that it supported the claims of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi that she would make a statement after meeting with the central executive committee.
The announcement of the the PPST.
The PPST announced that it supported the announcement that Joe Biden recommended the cooperation of the SAC in implementation of the five consensus.
Currently, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi is detained and some CEC members of the NLD have been detained.
- By CNI
- Category: English Section
- Hits: 354
CNI News
15 Nov 2022
Many of the Myanmar nationals who were detained for various charges and have served their terms in prisons and camps in Malaysia are facing difficulty returning home, Myanmar communities in Malaysia told the CNI.
They have remained in camps and detention centres as they have lost contacts with families in Myanmar or their friends in Malaysia and they cannot afford air tickets while the Myanmar embassy in Malaysia have been able to send only a few of them back, the communities told the CNI.
U Babu Gyi, who has been offering assistance to Myanmar nationals in Malaysia, told the CNI, "There is a large number of them in crowded camps and detention centres in Malaysia. They have lost contact with their relatives and friends and no one pays for their air tickets. They have faced difficulty returning h and some of them have been stranded there for months. I can help only a few of them because I cannot afford air tickets for all of them because it costs me Ringgit 900 to buy a ticket. I am just an ordinary worker here. If they had passports and NRCs, it would be easier to contact their families."
Hundreds of them are stranded in each camp and detention centre in Malaysia.
Their personal data are required to submit to the Myanmar Embassy in Malaysia, which will issue a certificate of identity after the data have proved to be true and correct.
A prison in Malaysia and a police van.
As they are required to pay Ringgit 900 for air tickets after their data have proved to be true and correct, the process takes a long time and their returns have been delayed, Myanmar communities in Malaysia told the CNI.
As a result, camps and detention centres in Malaysia are crowded with Myanmar nationals.
U Babu Gyi said, "Those who afford ticket fares can return home after they have contacted their families. Moreover, there are many people with the same names. Recently, I went to see a Myanmar woman in a prison but she was not the woman I wanted to see. She has the same name with the woman I wanted to see.
Now, I am looking for a man but there were three people who has the same name as him in the prison. I didn't know which of them was the person I will have to recommend. We have a lot of difficulties offering assistance to them.
Migrants detained in a detention centre in Malaysia.
Daily arrests in Malaysia make prisons and camps there more crowded with illegal migrants, many of whom are suffering from health issues including diarrhea and depression.
Therefore, it is necessary for the Myanmar Embassy in Malaysia to carry out the identification process faster, General Secretary U Chit Kaung of the Association for Assistance of Myanmar Migrant Workers in Malaysia told the CNI.
He said, "In embassies of other countries, they set up teams composed of lawyers, one or two embassy officials to help their citizens who were detained and to reduce their penalties and to return home as soon as possible. If Myanmar authorities set up such teams to help Myanmar migrants as soon as they were arrested, it will be faster and easier for Myanmar migrants to get home without delays."
In the past, the Myanmar Embassy in Malaysia often arranged free flights for those who cannot afford air tickets to bring them back home but it has not been able to do so recently, according to Myanmar communities in Malaysia.
- By CNI
- Category: English Section
- Hits: 550
CNI News
15 Nov 2022
Division among Rakhine resistance groups bodes ill for the revolution, Vice Chairperson Daw Saw Mya Yazar Lin of the Arakan Liberation Army told the CNI.
Some fake Facebook accounts are currently spreading false news to create misconceptions among the public and there are differences among revolutionary groups with the same visions.
She told the CNI, "There are many groups of people who support them or us. What is inappropriate is that social media attacks are launched by many fake Facebook accounts to create not only misconceptions and distrusts among the public. Although we cannot pinpoint exactly who are behind the attacks, it is thought that the attacks are being launched by supporters of different revolutionary groups. There is division among different revolutionary groups. It does not bode will for the future. As the groups are fighting under different flags through different means, there are differences although they have the same vision. This may also cause differences among the supporters of different groups. It does not augur well for the nationalist revolution."
A road junction in Rakhine State.
On 10th November, the ALP announcded that its central committee member Khaing Mya Thar was arrested by the United League of Arakan/Arakan Army on 7th November, 2022.
The ULA/AA denied the accusation and it was learnt that the central committee member was detained by other ALP members, Rakhine Politician U Pe Than told the CNI, adding that the public support for the revolution is not likely to be undermined although the two groups are opposing each other.
He said, "We are not worried about the situation. The ULA is able to controol the entire Rakhine State on the ground. Although the ALP was formed earlier, it does not have more than 100 members. On the other hand, the ULA has taken over many camps of the junta and build up their own military posts as well. It has routed military troops and controlled various areas. The ALP does not have a military post in the country and it is also engaging in peace talks with the junta without any opposition to and clashes with it. The ALP may return to the legal fold and enter parliamentary politics. It may become a border guard force or a reseve force. Although there are differences between the two oppsing groups, public support for the revolution is unlikely to be divided and the ULA has been able to win the hearts of the people. Public support and the situation on the ground is in ULA's favour. Public support cannot be divided."
A delegation led by Daw Saw Mya Yazar Lin in Maijaryan in July, 2016.
The ALP announced that 17 of its members had been detained by the ULA/AA.
The ULA/AA, the ALP and the Arakan Nation Council/Arakan Army are active in Rakhine State.
The ALP is a signatory to the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement while the ULA/AA and ANC/AA are still fighting against the junta.
- By CNI News
- Category: English Section
- Hits: 576
CNI News
13 Nov 2022
As the United States has imposed sanctions on Myanmar, there is no good news for Myanmar economy even if the House of Representatives dominated by the Democrats is replaced by the Republicans, according to Myanmar politics and economy observers.
Mid-term elections were held in the US on 8th November and as Republicans led by former President Donald Trump are likely to gain ground at the House of Representatives, Ukrainians are worried about the potential losses of military assistance from the US while Myanmar expects the easing of economic sanctions.
Mid-terms elections are not likely to have an impact on Myanmar economy and leadership change in the US has impacts on Myanmar, a Myanmar economic observer told the CNI.