CNI News

19 June 2023

If a foreign army enter Myanmar, the entire people will take side with SAC, said U Sein Win, former member of Pyithu Hluttaw, to CNI.

During the current armed conflicts, revolutionary elemens are being supported by some foreign organizationss which is being watched by the public, he said.

" Which side do you think the people will take with if a foeign army enters the country? Now money and technology are being supported to revolutionary elements by some foreign countries which is being watched by the public. If an army especially such as US or UK enter the country, the entire people will take side with SAC. No matter how many better weapons you have, you can't beat their spirit. Among the ethnic, Bamars are very intelligent. They can courageously solve a problem that needs courage to solve” he said.

Demonstration against Myanmar Tatmadaw and the State Administration Council

The Tatmadaw toppled down the NLD government on 1st February, 2021, having said that NLD was trying to form a government without solving the vote list dispute and a state of emergency has been declared.

After that, revolutionary elements are waging spring revolution after forming People's Defense Force to topple down the Tatmadaw..Because international community does not support weapons and ammunitions to PDF, NUG is demanding international community to support PDF like providing Ukaraine by lots of countries with weapons and ammunitions
There is no reason why international forces will enter the country and in the Security Council the proposals will not be successful, U Than Soe Naing, Myanmar political analyst told CNI News.

the security forces patrolling in a city

" If the UN troops come in, the people will welcome it. But the proposals to send UN troops to Myanmar will not be successful because Russia and China are included in UN Security Council. Now about 30,000 to 50,000 Chinese troops are always near Myanmar border. These forces can reach Mandalay in a couple of days before internal forces come in" he said.

As Myanmar has two powerful neighbouring countries, China and India,there is no reason why international forces will come in, said some people. But some international organizations are providing PDF with non-military aids.