CNI News

19 June 2023

SAC would assuredly hand over power to the winning party after holding a free and fair general election, said Sr.Gen Min Aung Hlaing, chairman of the State Administreation council. He said that when he met junior officers serving in various offices and departments
under the office of commander in chief (army). 

But he did not tell .when the election will be held.

Of the Five-Point Road Map of the State Administration Council, the last point is that 
"Upon accomplishing the provisions of the state of emergency, free and fair multiparty democratic elections will be held in line with the 2008 Constitution,and further work will be undertaken to hand over State duties to the winning party in accordance with democratic standards" which will be implemented without failure. So,SAC is carrying out for the State stability,peace and development." he said.

 The Tatmadaw helped shape the path to a multi-party democracy that is full of discipline which the people wanted, and a democracy government from the party that won
in the multi-party democracy election in 2010 came out and the Tatmadaw worked together with that government, he said.

In the second term of the democratic government that won in the 2015 general election, the Tatmadaw gave some advice to that government on what should be or what should be done according to its political experiences and but there was just a little effect, said chairman of SAC.

Although he told repeatedly the election needed to be free and fair in 2020 election, that party performed to win in the election in dishonest ways.  

The Tatmadaw demanded to solve the ballot discrepancies. But that party tried to take the State power by force without solving the ballot discrepancies.So, the Tatmadaw had to maintain the responsibilities of the State, said Sr.Gen Min Aung Hlaing.

What the Tatmadaw carried out like that is just to strengten multi-party democracy path and they would not deviated from that path, so they are exercising restraint according to the law and serving the State's duties in accord with the 2008 constitution, he added.