English Edition
- By CNI
- Category: English Section
- Hits: 460
CNI News
29 Nov 2022
Public grievances should be addressed like the United League of Arakan/Arakan Army, Col Khun Okkar, an ethnic armed organization leader, told the CNI.
The Myanmar military junta and the AA have announced a ceasefire out of concern over the grievances of local residents.
Col Khun Okkar told the CNI, "As even a strong ethnic armed organization with a firm foothold in Rakhine State like the AA could reach a humanitarian ceasefire with the military, other ethnic armed organizations in the country should follow the example of the AA based on their strength, circumstances and grievances of local residents. Local residents in areas under the control of the Karenni National Progressive Party and Brigade 6 of the Karen National Union have been forced to suffer troubles as long as the situation continues to deteriorate. So, if they follow the step of the AA, it will be beneficial for local residents."
Col Khun Okkar. (NAC-S EAO-fb)
As the military and the AA have reached a ceasefire deal, political observers are worried about the possibility for offensives of the Myanmar military by deploying troops in Rakhine State to other major areas.
Col Khun Okkar said conflicts in other major areas will escalate if the military reinforce its troops in these areas with troops deployed in Rakhine State.
The military has focused on Rakhine State to prevent disintegration of the union and only about 20 percent of troops in Rakhine could be redeployed to other major areas, Rakhine Politician U Pe Than told the CNI.
Spring Revolution KNDF troops. (KNDF)
He told the CNI, "We are worried that the military will reinforce its troops in areas controlled by other EAOs with the forces from Rakhine to launch major offensives. Many are concerned about the possibility because the military used to do so in other ethnic areas during the previous ceasefire after the general election. When it staged a coup in February, 2021, it still maintained the ceasefire with the AA. Then, people's defence forces were formed to resist the military rule. The PDFs have been able to resist the military. The military could not use all its troops from Rakhine State to launch offensives in other major areas because the AA and the military have fought against each other for the control of Rakhine State while the PDFs and the National Unity Government are fighting it for political power.
He added that fighting in Rakhine State could resume at any time if the military disrupts administrative, judiciary and legislative affairs and taxation in Rakhine State despite its promise not to attack AA outposts.
Clashes have erupted between the military and joint forces EAOs and the local PDFs in Sagaing and Magway regions and Kayin, Chin and Kayah (Karenni) states.

- By CNI News
- Category: English Section
- Hits: 665
CNI News
27 Nov 2022
Myanmar exported mung beans to the 27-member European Union, according to pulses and bean merchants.
The exported mung beans were cultivated with EU techniques in Khayan and Thonegwa townships in Yangon Region, U Nay Win Soe, in-charge of Ayeyar Trading Centre, told the CNI.
He said, "We are still exporting mung beans to the EU, which has contracts with farmers in Khayan and Thonegwa by providing technologies. So, farmers in the townships grew mung beans by using their technology. The EU still imports such mung beans under the contracts. It does not import mung beans cultivated in other townships."
Myanmar mung beans. (GETTY IMAGES)
Pulses and beans merchants said that the EU does not import mung beans cultivated in Ayeyarwady Region.
A pulses and beans merchant told the CNI, "In terms of prices, mung beans fetch higher prices than black gram. Mung beans are consumed locally and exported to China. However, we cannot export it to meet the demand of the country. We export black gram and pigeon beans to India, which does not impot mung beans."
Mung beans cultivated with local techniques are mainly exported to China.

- By CNI News
- Category: English Section
- Hits: 563
CNI News
27 Nov 2022
The National Unity Government has been preparing to take effective action against those who commit violence against women, NUG Prime Minister Mahn Win Khaing Than said.
He made the comment in his speech marking the International Day for Elimination of Violence Against Women.
He said, "Violence against women and children is a matter of concern for the entire country. During the revolution, it is women and children who are the most vulnerable to violence offences of the intrinsically evil and brutal regime. We, the NUG, categorically condemn the violence committed by them and are trying to take effective action against them consistently."
He urged all to cooperate with activists for woman and child victims of violence in the country.
No organization should commit violence against women, Daw Cho Cho Kyaw Nyein of the Democratic Party told the CNI.