CNI News

20 June 2023

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi has always maintained political method in the effort to reach the goals of democracy, human rights and peace that Myanmar people want, which central executive committee of National League for Democracy (NLD) released a statement on 19th June, 2023.

It was described in the statement saying 'thank you' to those who sent 'birthday wish'messages for chairperson of NLD, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi's 78th birthday on 19th June 2023.


NLD CEC's statement

" In the effort to reach the goals of democracy, human rights and peace which Myanmar people have always wanted, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi has always maintained political method only.Daw Aung San Suu Kyi who is regarded as the public leader, and has won the affection and trust of the entire people up to now, and also is the leader of the winning party, is one of the most important persons who cannot be excluded in solving the problems of Myanmar. It is NLD's view.", the committe stated.

The statement of CEC is opposed to the path on which NUG, CRPH and PDF are walking and indirectly means that DASSK would accept armed path of NUG, PDF, Moreover while most of the people have a burning desire to topple down the Tatmadaw, the statement sort of is starting meeting and discussing  This statement seems to be starting the path of meeting and discussion, A political analyst said.

NLD's member of Hluttaw and NUG's defense minister U Yi Mon and PDF comrades

Having said that NLD government tried to form a government without solving the ballot dispute from 2020 general election, the Tatmadaw toppled down the NLD government and has declared a state of emergency. Then it arrested U Win Myint, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Dr.Zaw Myint Maung.

Some members of the CEC and Hluttaw formed the National Unity Government and People's Defense Force and are waging armed revolution to overthrow the Tatmadaw. DASSK and U Win Myint who have been arrested have been put in NUG.