CNI News

21 June 2023

Crab business is a lucrative one in Rakhine State and because crabs can be exported to China this year, crabs are being traded with higher prices than last year, said crab wholesale businesspeople to CNI.

Chinese border that had been closed due to Covid-19 disease and political problems, has been re-open now and because crabs cab be exported to Cbina again, Crab business people are earning much income, said U Khaing Kyaw Hla, a crab wholesaker from Pauk Taw township.

" Crab market is getting better than in the past. The border has been re-open for one year. We can export many tons of crabs since the Chinese border was re-open.

crabs that will be exported

We had to export limitedly before. We had to export crabs to Yangon limitedly. Now we can export as we like. Those who export to China have increased.

Transportation is key. As long as the road is open, More income can be earned for the country. If a cyclone enters Rakhine State one time, crabs increase two times. If  a cyclone enters once, fish and shrimps have increased twice. some people whose dams have been broken lost something due to cyclone. I'm not sure if fish and shrimp have increased, but crabs have obviously increased than before." said U Khaing Kyaw Hla.

Although crabs can be sold at higher prices, if the weather is bad, it is difficult for workers, said Daw Nu Nu Saw, one who does business of crab from Pyaing Taung village, Pauk Taw township.
Rakhine State and Ayeyarwady Region export crabs to China most. When the prices decrease, if a lot of crabs are exported, the exporters can make a loss, said crab businesspeople. Currently, a kilo of crab is being sold at the prices from 3,000 to 7,000 Kyats.