CNI News

21 June 2023

The number of Myanmar migrant workers are illegally working for other employers rather than for the emploers described on their work permits, those who are helping in the affairs of migrant workers said to CNI.

According to Thai law, migrant workers must work for the employers on their work permits. But when the employers on their work permits don't issue legal resign letters, because they find it difficult to change to new employers, they are working for other employers, Ko Thar Gyi who is helping in the affairs of Myanmar migrant workers, said to CNI.

" Former employers don't issue legal resign letters. So the migrant workers cannot replace former employers on their work permits with new employers. That's why they are illegally working like that. About 59 percent of migrant workers with MoU have this problem. When a migrant worker asks a legal job resign letter, Myanmar agencies ask a lot of money from the migrant worker. Only if the worker gives 4,000 to 5,000 Baht, a legal job resign letter is issued. Some workers have to pay the fee for applying jobs. But the work permits have not been changed. So lots of work permits were not renewed on 13th February this year. 

a fishing site in Thailand (Getty Images)

Agencies go on persuading the workers they will apply for the workers when new work permits are issued. Most of ignorant workers who come from rural areas feel the pinch" he said.

Myanmar migrant workers who are illegally working for other employers try to be legal. But because it takes them too long and complex to get evident documents, they are working like this, said those who are helping in the affairs of migrant workers.

"Whether employers are the same as those on work permits or not, workers cannot work if employers don't accept. In fact, both sides are guilty. The employers who are not on work permits are more guilty. We have to see if the worker are fully paid" said Ko Naing Naing Aung, director of Arakan Workers Organization to CNI.  

According to Thai law, the workers working for the employers who are not on the work permits nay be arrested, said U Aung Kyaw, an official from Labour Right Foundation (LRF) to CNI News.

Because there are so many jobs in Thailand and migrant workers from neighbouring countries are being employed, the migrant workers make a decision easily like this, he said.The workers tend to change to the factories where their relatives or friends without taking the law into account. The migrant workers should try to know Thai rules and reegulations relating to migrant workers, he added.

Due to a complaint saying migrant workers were working at a construction site in Bangkok for the employer different from the name on the work permit, 8 myanmar workers, 9 Cambodian workers and 2 Thai contractors were arrested a few days ago.