CNI News

21 June 2023

The Tatmadaw is the most responsible (in the organizations concerned) to solve the armed conflicts taking place in Myanmar, said U Ko Ko Gyi, chairman of People's Party (PP) to CNI. The Tatmadaw that has taken the power of State needs to obviously show the situation that political problem can be solved with political method, he said.

" The Tatmadaw that has taken the power of State is the most responsible. The root cause of this problem is the political problem. The Tatmadaw needs to transparently show that obvious developments will arise if political problem is solved with political method without holding arms.

 Although everything cannot be solved, it needs to make everyone believe that an answer that can be poitically expected will come out rather than armed movement among the people.

people demanding democracy

That's why the Tatmadaw's political desire is important. Although there are terrorist movements, I've already chosen political method. Politicl parties, NCA signatories currently discussing with SAC and NCA non-signatories should deminstrate tangible change through political dialogue. Gradually, we should try to become an all-inclusive political solution", he said to CNI.

he Tatmadaw toppled down the NLD government led by DASSK after having said that NLD tried to form a government without solving the ballot dispute in the 2020 general electioin and has declared a state of emergency. Then democratic elements formed PDF and are waging spring revolution. Only when all the organizations taking part in the conflicts meet and discuss, Myanmar political crisis can be solved, said Colonel Saw Kyaw Nyunt, spokesperson of the Peace Process Steering Team (PPST) to CNI.

an armed group

" In comparison with previous political crises, this time the crisis is more difficult, deeper and more comprehensive.No matter how difficult it is, what we have understood is that it is due to politics. According to international landscape or our experience, solving a political problem with a political dialogue is a way that we can overcome with damaging our country least.    

According to the current situation, there are many difficulties to arise a situation for an all inclusive political dialogue. But looking ahead to the benefit of the Union, all the stakeholders need to carry out, he said.

Because of political conflicts that changed during February 2021, armed conflicts are taking place all over the country. Due to armed conflicts, political, peace,economic, educational, and health sectors are deteriorating in the country.

Some local organizations, political parties, EAOs and international organizations are trying to solve these problems.