CNI News

22 June 2023

Farming cost is still rising although the price of fertilizer is falling at present in Myanmar, said farmers to CNI. Although the price of fertilizer is falling, because the prices of agricultural equipments are still rising, there may still be difficulties for basic farmers and peasants, said U Thein Aung, chairman of Farmers Development Association in Ayeyarwady Region.

"The prices of all equipment used in machine go up and so do service charges.This year the price of fertilizer is about 25 thousand Kyats less than last year. It's not very difficult for the farmers who have a little debt to pay. But those who have been in debt for years for example used to spend about four lakh Kyats before reaping. But now if they have to spend three lakh before reaping, they will have to spend five to six lakh all together. So they have to look for extra money. It's very difficult to look for the money like that. If the government helps them about two years in a row, many farmers will be convenient, he said.

 farmers are ploughing with machines

Of inputs, the price of fertilizer decreases at present, but the price can go up again in the agricultural season, said U Kyaw Zan, chairman of Rakhine State Peasant and Farmer Association, to CNI News.

Although the price of fertilizer decreases at present, only farmers who have enough money can buy fertilizer in advance. But when farmers must buy, its price can go up, he said.
Because the price of fertilizer just drop a little under ten thousand in Rakhine State, farmers make a litt profit like before, said U Maung Kyaw Hlaing who grows vegetables from Phayabaung Village in Kyauktaw Township, to CNI News.   
The government need to issue loans and support agricultural machines to farmers to save the cost of agriculture, said farmers.

The State Administration Council is reportedly issueing loans to farmers so that they can buy inputs and machines.