CNI News

22 June 2023

Ta'ang Land University will be open in 2024, said in a statement issued by Ta'ang National Education Committee on 20th Jun.

The university will be open so that the students who have joined the CDM (Civil Disobedience Movement) due to current political situation can go on learning, said in the statement.

The committee have intended to upgrade higher education of the Ta'ang region in accord with the time and to arise a qualified higher education system that is accessible for every student, said the committee in its statement.

TNEC learners

Due to the covid-19 pandemic and political changes a few years ago, young people were late in education and he hailed opening a university like this, said Maing Ohn Khaing, a Ta'ang politician to CNI News.

"We must welcome that they promote education. I'm very glad to know that they are carrying out to make youths continue learning further. Because of not only Covid-19 but also political changes, youths fall behind in education" he said.
Students for the first year course of that university will be accepted in December 2024 for the first time, intensionally for those who completed basic education before the Tatmadaw took power in 2021 and those who passed Basic Education Completion Assessment (BECA) 2023 conducted by NUG's ministry of education, said in the statement.

teachers for Ta'ang education

Arts, science, political science and agricultural subjects will be taught in that university and students must pay the cost, it said. Most of Ta'ang youths leave for China to work after giving up education and if the university is open, Ta'ang youths will probably attend, said U Aik Char, vice chairman of Lashio Township Taang Traditional Literature and Culture Department.

"At a time like this, some youths can't go to school. when the university like this can be open, Ta'ang youths should attend than others. Youths should go on learning with interest and actively. There are many youths who have gone out of school.I'd like to tell youths to give priority to education again" he said.

Diplomas and bachelors will be awarded to those who successfully complete courses or pass exams, said in the statement.