CNI News

9 Sept 2022

A decisive final battle to eliminate the Tatmadaw will be launched within one year, said Acting President Duwa Lashi La of the National Unity Government.

He made the comment in his state of the union address on the first anniversary of the declaration of the people’s resistance war on 7th September.

Acting President Duwa Lashi La said, “Utmost efforts are being accelerated to achieve more comprehensive political, military and international relations results within the upcoming year. The military dictatorship is fading away in all its aspects. The final battle to wipe out the fascist instinct is coming sooner or later. I warn the terrorist junta to make themselves ready for the public justice as of today.”

  Demonstrations for democracy. (The Frontier Myanmar)

He called on the international community to provide sufficient technical, weaponry and financial assistance to the people who are fighting for democracy, human rights, equality and freedom.

Conditions are ripe for the realization of the objectives of the Spring Revolution in 2023, Political Analyst U Than Soe Naing told the CNI.

U Than Soe Naing said, “Conditions are ripe for the realization of the objective to wipe out and bury the junta. In wiping out the junta, it is fair to say that the year 2023 will be crucial to launch counter offensives by the cooperation of ethnic armed groups and people defence forces and to achieve the final victory of the Spring Revolution. The entire people are looking forward to it.”

Members of the NUG cabinet.

The acting president said that there were many areas where military and administrative affairs were effectively controlled by the resistance forces of EAOs and the PDF and judicial bodies were formed in 24 townships to administer justice, according to the acting president of the NUG.

The acting president also added that the NUG had formed more than 300 units in more than 250 out of 330 townships in the entire country.

However, some political observers said that as the NUG had not been able to place all PDFs under its command and had not succeeded in forming alliance with all EAOs, whether it was able to launch the final battle for victory was an open question.