CNI News

9 Sept 2022

The Thanaka market in Sagaing and Magway regions, the two regions where Thanaka trees are mainly grown, has almost collapsed due to instabilities and transport problems, the Myanmar Thanaka Planters and Producers Association told the CNI.

Moreover, both the supply and demand of raw Thanaka pieces have dramatically dropped in other states and regions as well. Only a few people buy raw pieces of Thanaka even though they are sold at cheaper prices, U Myo Win Thant, an information officer of the MTPPA, told the CNI.

He said, “The Thanaka market is struggling in Sagaing and Magway and has almost collapsed due to unfavourable conditions. The demand has dropped and it is difficult for Thanaka sellers to travel from town to town to sell pieces of Thanaka for security reasons. In the past, the Thanaka market thrived in the two regions because there were many festivals, where visitors bought Thamaka pieces. Sellers did not need to go to other towns to sell Thanaka as brokers from other towns like Yezagyo, Pakokku, Myaing and Ayadaw came to buy it. The sales of Thanaka have dropped by a high percentage.”

The demand for raw Thanaka pieces has dropped because users prefer products made of Thanaka and a piece of Thanaka can be used for a long time.

Raw Thanaka pieces are rarely sold in markets and they are mainly sold in festivals to visitors. As there are no festivals at the moment, the Thanaka market has evaporated.

A Thanaka shop.

Ma Moe (changed name), a Thanaka seller in Shwebo, said, “It is difficult to buy Thanaka because it is mainly grown in villages, where security situation has deteriorated. We have to closely watch the situation. Sometimes, we have to retreat on the way because the situation worsens. As transportation is difficult, the sales have dropped. In the past, there were many festivals, where pilgrims buy Thanaka. Now, people rarely travel and the sales have dropped.”

Raw Thanaka pieces produced in Sagaing and Magway are transported to Ayeyarwady and Yangon regions and Rakhine State. At present, the demand for Thanaka from the regions and the state has dropped.

U Myo Win Thant told the CNI, “The sales of Thanaka in Rakhine State, Ayeyarwady region and Yangon region have dropped by 40 percent, 30 percent and 50 percent respectively. There should be a strong Thanaka market. Moreover, people are not able to spend as much money as before. In the past, people bought raw pieces of Thanaka competitively. Now, the demand has dropped.

The Thanaka market can revive if the regions are peaceful and stable. However, it is difficult to restore peace and stability in the regions.

The price of a 6-inch-long and 2-inch-wide piece of Thanaka ranges between MMK 2,000 and MMK 4,000 depending on its types.

There are about 300,000 acres of Thanaka in Magway and the trees are also extensively grown in Sagaing.