CNI News

8 Sept 2022

Shanni civil society organizations strongly condemned the killing of Shanni Abbot U Gandhama, who was presiding the monastery in Naungpat Village in Banmauk Township in Sagaing Region by an allied force of the Kachin Independence Army and the People Defence Force, according to a statement released by the CSOs on 8th September.

The allied force abducted the presiding monk from the monastery on 4th September before brutally killing and burying him near Nantsa Village, according to the statement.

The joint statement of the 28 CSOs said that forcing the abbot to disown his monkhood and brutal overnight killing of him without respecting the International Humanitarian Law and the law of the rights of persons with disabilities amounted to committing war crimes.

Sai Kzang Aung after being released.

The allied force of the KIA and the PDF abducted and tortured Sai Kzang Aung, the in-charge of Shanni literature and culture for Banmauk Township (South), arrested the presiding monk U Thuriya, a figure of Shanni literature and culture, from Kyaungle Village, assassinated Patron U Pe Than of the Shanni Literature and Culture Committee in Haungpar Village in Hpakant Township and abducted and killed Sai Yay Kyaw of the Huangpar Village Shanni Literature and Culture Committee, according to the statement.

The statement of Shanni SCOs.

The statement also said that the act of armed bullying, intimidation and killing with the aim of eliminating the culture and literature, which is the lifeblood for the existence of a people by the allied force of the KIA and the PDF blatantly violate the rights of indigenous people of the United Nations.

The 28 Shanni CSOs said the NUG, the KIA and the PDF are responsible and accountable for the incidents.