CNI News

6 August 2022

There was no conducive environment for cooperation between the United League of Arakan/ Arakan Army and the Arakan Liberation Party, Rakhine Politician U Pe Than told the CNI.

Although both parties issued various statements on cooperation between them in the interests of Rakhine State, they were not able to hold discussions, he added.

U Pe Than told the CNI, “Before tensions increased between the two parties, we saw that they should cooperate for the national cause. Even if they could not unify their parties, they should engage in negotiations to cooperate in the interests of Rakhine State and its people. However, the strength of one side decreased significantly while that of the other increased dramatically and was not interested in unification. People in Rakhine State support the ULA/AA, which can control almost the entire Rakhine State. Under such circumstances, the ULA/AA is not interested in unifying the two parties. However, we think that the two parties should cooperate in the interests of the people in Rakhine State. Meanwhile, the situation in Rakhine State leads not to political dialogue but to military confrontation. So, there is no conducive environment for cooperation between them. As a result, they are not able to engage in negotiations, I think.”

Vice Chairperson Daw Saw Mya Yazar Lin and Lt-Gen Khaing Paw Lin, who was detained by the AA.

Furthermore, it could be difficult to allocate duties and responsibilities between the ULA/AA and the ALP in unification, U Pe Than added.

Recently, the ALP issued a statement saying that the AA detained ALP Central Committee Member Lt-Col Kahing Paw Lin at his house on 2nd August, 2022. However, the AA did not say anything about the arrest.

The ALP statement also said that the current conflict between the AA and the ALP, both of which are formed with members of the same ethnic group struggling for the same goal, at a time of political crisis could tarnish the image of Rakhine people among ethnic alliances and in the international community.

U Pe Than said, “I don’t know what led to the arrest of Khaing Paw Lin. However, the ALP also said that they have arrested hard cores of the AA in Sittwe. They arrested the members of the AA after wearing the uniforms of the military and the police. The situation is getting worse. If the ALP does so because it cannot compete with the AA militarily and organizationally, it will eventually become a lackey of the junta, which pits one party against another. The ALP could become an organization exploited by the junta to defeat the AA. The ALP should not take the path.”

 The ALP holds negotiations with the SAC

The CNI contacted the ALP repeatedly for comments on the issues but the ALP did not answer the phone.

Both the AA and the ALP are armed organizations of the Rakhine ethnic group.

The ALP is a signatory of the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement while the AA is still under negotiations to join the agreement.