CNI News

6 August, 2022

There are suggestions from the Burmese community in Japan that the Japanese language proficiency test is not just the JLPT conducted by the Japanese government, but can also be taken by the private companies recognized by the Japanese government, such as Net Test and Top J.

In order to take the JLPT in December 2022, there were many people who came to register for applications early in the morning at the Yangon Examination Department today (August 5). MAJA (Myanmar Japanese Returned Alumni Association) has announced that those who have purchased an application but have not yet made a submission for JLPT 2022 December will be accepted through the pre-booking system.

“Therefore, instead of many people gathering to take the JLPT, it is better to take the Net Test instead”, said Naytic Asia Agency Director Ko Ne Oo Ko to CNI News.

Ko Ne Oo Ko said, “They are really dead set on JLPT. This can be exhausting. They should rather take the Net Test regularly on their own which is every two months. But the course fee is a little high.”

Net Test is also recognized by Japan. As for the JLPT, it's something that the Japanese government organizes. It's a government exam. Net Test is private. It’s another Japanese learning institution which is also recognized by the government. As for the JLPT, it's something that the Japanese government itself conducts, so they insist that it's better.

JLP Exam Applicants

It’s better to take the Net Test instead of relentlessly going after the JLPT. Otherwise, it is tiring. It’s not just a few people but an enormous crowd. The fact that it is organized by the government is the most significant appeal to JLPT.”

If you take the Net Test, the course fee is about 80,000. If you take the JLPT, the exam fee and the form fee cost almost as much as the course fee for taking the Net Test. The JLPT exam is conducted only twice a year.

If you pass the Net Test, you can get the same job as you do with JLPT. Naytic Asia agency director Ko Ne Oo Ko said that they were also accepted when applying for a visa.
Ko Min, who will take N4 this year, told CNI news that there was no such mass of people buying applications to take N5 with JLPT in 2018.

Ko Min Nakh said, "It's because of the combination of the pandemic and the political circumstances. It can be said that the number of people who will go to Japan in the next two years has increased. We also see that the number of students in these training schools is higher than before. Even if I fill out the form now and upload it right now, sometimes there are rejections, so I think it’s a pretty tough odds to make this a smooth process now.”

Now it's crowded, and on the other hand, there are difficulties for people who sell applications. Since our training school is taking charge right now, things have been going well since yesterday," he said.

The Myanmar Overseas Employment Service Entrepreneurs Association (MOEAF) reported that the number of Myanmar youths going abroad to work has been escalating. Among them, the number of people going Japan to work has seen a sharp increase, compared with the pre-pandemic period.