CNI News

8 February 2024

Officials from the Myanmar Overseas Employment Agencies Federation (MOEAF) and leaders of the Thai Business Committee have submitted to the government in order to set the service fee of the overseas employment agencies sending workers to Thailand in Thai Baht instead of Myanmar kyat, according to the Ministry of Labor.

As the service fee of overseas employment agencies sending workers to other countries has been set in respective country's currency or dollar, the service fee of the overseas employment agencies sending workers to Thailand should be set in Thai baht, which has been submitted to the government, U Win Myint, managing director of the Lucky Overseas Employment Agency, told CNI News.

" Due to the instability of the Baht price, the service charge changes from time to time. The service charge of overseas employment agencies sending workers to Malaysia is set in dollar. So, the MOEAF has presented to the government in order to set the service charge of overseas employment agencies sending workers to Thailand  in Thai baht. To set in Thai baht will be confirmed only if the official letter comes out. Service charge have been set in dollar for sending workers to Japan. It was convenient because the price of baht was stable in the past. And because the price of dollar also was stable in the past, there were not so many problems. But lately, the prices of baht and dollar have not been stable. The instabilities like that cause chaos. Agencies and workers make losses. So, agencies request to set in baht." he said.

While seeing an overseas employment agency

Although the service charge for the agencies was designated 150,000 kyats in the past, because the rate was not convenient, the agencies demanded to raise the service charge after which the service charge has been raised to 300,000 kyats. 

When the agencies have requested to set in Thai baht instead of Myanmar kyat, the agencies have asked 10,000 bahts as the service charge, according to the agencies. However, the ministry has not issued an official letter, Daw Myat Hayman Lin, managing director of Pwint Phoo Aung Overseas Employment Agency, told CNI News.

" In fact, Myanmar kyat only is being used for the service charge in sending workers to Thailand. Now the agencies have asked 10,000 bahts for the service charge to send workers to Thailand. Even though, 8,000 bahts might be designated." she said.

While seeing Myanmar workers

When sending workers to Thailand, Yangon-Myawady-Maesot route has not been conveneint as yet. 

The Ministry of Labor agreed to send workers through Kawthaung-Ranong route and Yangon- Don Mueang flight. But at present, Yangon-Don Mueang flight has been suspended temporarily. So, Kawthaung-Ranong route is being mainly used reportedly.

When sending workers to Thailand, because the Kawthaung flight can hold 50 people only. So, the agencies have to take two days to meet a demand letter offering 50 workers because other passengers will travel on the same flight, according to overseas employment agencies.