CNI Article

Written by Chit Min Tun

9 February 2024

As soon as you talk about the Shanni Nationalities Army (SNA), most of the people tend to mix up with the Shanni militia. The SNA is different from the Shanni militia and so are their positions.  

The Shanni armed group that is active in Karmine-Tarlawgyi region is the Shanni militia. However, it is not named as the Shanni militia and is called Tarlawgyi militia or indigenous militia. 

There are three kinds of militia. The first is an armed group that has changed from a revolutionary ethnic armed group after making peace with the Tatmadaw. 

The second is an armed group that is formed in order to protect thieves and robbers and the third, an armed group that is formed by the Tatmadaw in order to protect some ethnic armed groups and other elements that destabilize with various objectives. 

Without including in these three kind of groups, ethnic armed groups that are fighting against the Tatmadaw are called EAOs. Among the EAOs is the SNA and an independent organization without being under any organization.

So, all the Shanni armed groups are different from one another and some are EAOs and others, militias.

While seeing the joint KIA-PDF force

The above-mentioned particulars are explained based on the facts and information collected from my research in relation to regarding the SNA as the Shanni militia.

I'd like to present based on the facts I have collected about the emergence of the SNA, where it' been active,  what its aim is and how it's important in Sagaing Region whose stability is weak.

The SNA was built on 5th July, 1989. Although it was not strong when it was built, but now it's been able to be active in several territories. At present, the SNA has been made up of four brigades.

Its Brigade-753 has been active in Homalin, Phaung Byin, Pinlebu, Shwe Pyi Aye Townships as well as along the Chindwin River near to the border of Mingin Township in Sagaing Region. 

Its Brigade-972 has been active from Namdaw Sanpya Village in Homalin Township to the region along Uru Creek, Sezin-Hparkant region, the region along the Indawgyi Lake and Karmine region.

Its Brigade-891 has been active in Thaungthut, Mawlike Towbship, Thanan Myothit on the other side of Chindwin River, Tamu, Kalay Townships and the area bordering with India. Its Brigade-614 has been active in Banmauk, Indaw Township, the area bordering with Wuntho Township and along the railway to Kachin State.

While seeing Shanni ethnic people

The battles are breaking out between the Tatmadaw and the KIA/PDF joint forces, causing damage to the regional stability. So, the SNA also became responsible not only for the peace and stability of the Shanni region but also for protecting the various ethnic groups in the region.

The five political objectives of the SNA are (1) the SNA will protect the local people from armed groups who bully and dominate, (2) the SNA will protect against the dangers of drugs, (3) All-round development of the people in the region including health, education, economy, agriculture and livestock, and the promotion of social life will be carried out, (4) natural environment in the region will be protected and preserved, and (5) the SNA will work together with other nationalities in building a federal union based on equal rights and self-determination. 

So, the SNA will have to consider in order to protect the regional stability and local people.

So, is the SNA going to be on the Tatmadaw's side in the battles between the Tatmadaw and the KIA/PDF joint forces? Is it going to be on the the KIA?PDF's side. Or is it going to be without any side. 

It will have to seriously consider about it because there will be good and bad in any one of two choices. The Tatmadaw will control the movement of the KIA/PDF forces because it wants to control Sagaing Region. 

So, who is the enemy? Who can be an ally? Who will be the temporary partner?  After thinking it over, the Tatmadaw can also make approaches to the SNA.

HPDF-124 While seeing comrades

In the same way, the KIA/PDF also want to control Sagaing Region. So, the KIA/PDF can choose the path of eliminating other forces that may hindering so that they can strongly attack the Tatmadaw or the path of forming an alliance and joining their side.

So, the SNA that has been active in the middle and upper parts of Sagaing Region is important to both the Tatmadaw and the KIA/PDF. In a situation like this, the organization that can mobilize SNA probably will be stronger.

If any organization could not persuade the SNA or the SNA will protect regional stability in its own way without joining any side, it is impossible for any organization to have the upper hand in Sagaing Region.

But there are accusations that the SNA is collaborating with the Tatmadaw. On the other hand, whether the accusations are true is something to think about because the battles broke out between the Tatmadaw and the SNA in Khamti and Homalin Townships.

In any case, the SNA is playing an important role in Sagaing Region. However, if its strategy and tactics were wrongly laid down, it could lead to a dangerous situation.

So, we will have to watch the state of peace and stability will be in the territories where the SNA has been active in Sagaing Region.