CNI News

29 January 2024

Most of the hotels in Myanmar are in a deficit situation where the expenses are more than profits because the electricity is not regularly available, according to hoteliers. 

Some hotels where lots of guests don't come are not in a situation to accept guests due to irregular electricity availability. 

So, it is necessary to find a solution to difficulties hotels are experiencing, U Thet Lwin Toe, managing director of the Myanmar Voyages International Tourism, told CNI News.

" There are even some hotels that cannot accept guests because the cost has become higher with irregular electricity availability. The prices are also high. Moreover, if the service is poor as well, it will get worse. Ministries and those involved in tourism collaboratively must find a way to solve these difficulties." he said.

Just a few tourists are entering during the current non-festival period and electricity is also not available full time reportedly. Since electricity is not available regularly, the hotels in Bagan are providing electricity with generators. 

Due to higher.cost, the hotels are providing electricity only part-time by using generators depending on the number of visitors who enter, U Zaw Weik, chairman of the Hotel Entrepreneurs Association (Bagan Zone), told CNI News.

" It's not been convenient. The electricity is not available regularly. We have to improvise so as not to lose. We have to provide electricity part-time only. The electricity is never available all day long." he said. 
The hotels in beach and mountain areas are okay because there has been an increase in the number of tourists entering at present reportedly.

The hotels in Bago Region have to use generators for a short period of time because there are few guests who put up although a lot of tourists enter the region reportedly.