CNI News

29 January 2024

Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing, chairman of the State Administration Council said that the public security system involving the public was highly effective when he met with political parties, Dr.Aye Maung, chainman of the Arakan Front Party (AFP) told CNI News.

Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing said that in early January and it would be better if the political parties participated in the system because the peace and stability were wanted, he added.

" In other words, the public security system involving the public can protect you from falling into danger when you inform the security organization for the security of your home, your family and your neighborhood. The people who know that came to participate in the public security. He said with an example that the public security is highly effective. Moreover, he said that parties were built, believing a federal democratic system. Parties are composed of many party members who are guided by their parties. So, it would be better if party members participated in the public security which he said. He didn't mean that party members must participate in it." said Dr.Aye Maung.

Due to political changes after 1st February 2021, the country is facing crises and experiencing economic downturns In the same way, the people are struggling for their livelihood everyday and facing general crises including insecurity and high commodity prices. In addition, they are also facing the dangers of assassinations and landmines.

If the two armed groups contended, unexpected fighting might emerge, U Thet Zaw, a Myanmar political commentator, told CNI News.

" The other side is the People's Defense Force and this side formed the Public Security Force. When the two groups contend, unexpected battles might break out. Killings may arise. In fact, the public security force is a necessary organization as well, I think." he said.

Due to domestic armed conflicts, many people were killed and so many houses were burned and damaged. Moreover, most locals are fleeing to safety.

Although some EAOs, political parties, ASEAN and international organizations are trying to solve the armed conflicts, the problem is still not resolved.