CNI News

29 January 2024

The Ministry of Labor of the National Unity Government could not do anything to help in the affairs of Myanmar migrant workers but only nominally, Ko Thar Gyi who is helping migrant workers, told CNI News. 

Although Myanmar migrant workers don't like the State Administration Council (SAC), they have to apply for evidence documents because they are allowed to work only if they have necessary documents and the NUG's Ministry of Labor does not know how to do in the affairs of the labors because they did not know thoroughly about the affairs of the labors, he said.

" Even though we don't like the Tatmadaw, we have to compulsorily apply for the CI books because if we, Myanmar nationals, don't have evidence documents, we'll be arrested here in Thailand. The NUG's ministry does not know how to work. It can't do anything to help more than 5 million Myanmar people in Thailand. The Tatmadaw's ministries ask money in various ways." said Ko Thar Gyi.

CI books will be issued to about 900,000 undocumented Myanmar workers according to the agreement between Myanmar and Thailand.

Although a migrant worker must pay about 300 bahts for a CI book, the workers have to pay more than the fixed rate due to other unspecified costs. Brokers or agencies ask brokerage depending these costs, U Min Oo, in charge of labor affairs from the FED, told CNI News.

" Negotiations between the one stop service center and the agencies as regards the evidence documents were not convenient during December 2023. Myanmar government legally asks 310 bahts for a CI book. But one year ago, the cost for it was over 700 bahts. But in 2023, the cost was about 1,000 bahts. When CI books are applied just now, whether the cost will be more than 1,000 or not has not been clear. There are a service department in the one stop service center and agencies under the department. Depending on them, the costs may be more or less. The cost here can be said to be around 15,000 bahts." he said.

The period designated for providing service to credentials will expire in middle of February 2024. After that period, there might ba an increase in arresting undocumented workers, said the people who are helping migrant workers.

Myanmar migrant workers who have been included in the name list might be arrested if they were late for permit process beyond the designated period, they said.