CNI News

16 January 2024

Because of the battles breaking out between the Tatmadaw and the Arakan Army (AA) in Paletwa Township, Chin State, residents of Paletwa and locals from the nearby area are fleeing to the India-Myanmar border, said locals. 

The number of IDPs was about 20,000 and 50 percent of them need food, an official from the Chin State Chamber of Commerce and Industry, told CNI News.

" Because the battles are breaking out, the locals from Paletwa have to flee to the India-Myanmar border after crossing Kaladan Stream. They are staying in three villages near the bank. no doubt they need food. But how can't we help them. We can't use the road. It would be convenient if the route from the Indian side was open.We want the political and military conflicts to be resolved. For the time being, locals have upland rice, so they can still eat it. There are about 100,000 people in Paletwa Township. There are about 20,000 people in and around Paletwa. About 10,000 people are getting into trouble now." he said.

while seeing Paletwa Town

The number of locals in and around Paletwa who fled to safety as IDPs have increased lately. Moreover, residents of Sami Town have fled to safety and there are old people and children left in the town, said locals. Palatwa was also almost destroyed due to heavy artillery fire, they said.

Because the battles resumed, the number of IDPs has increased more than 2015-2016 when the battles broke out, U Aung Din, a Paletwa resident, told CNI News.

" In 2015-2016, battles broke out in villages only. But now battles have arrives in towns, so it's getting worse. Especially, unmarried young men and women have fled to safety because they don't dare to live in the town anymore. And then their parents also have fled. About ten days ago, the price of rice didn't go up. But any goods coming from lower parts and Ngapi, dried fish, eggs, onion and edible oil coming from Rakhine State - their prices have gone up." he said.

While seeing residents of Shinletwa Village in Paletwa Township

It is reported that food supply and aid activities cannot be carried out due to tight security, traffic restriction and road closures when battles are breaking out.

Some Paletwa residents who can afford are fleeing to Yangon through the smuggling route, spending 1,000,000 kyats per person reportedly.