CNI News

17 January 2024

He requested to reopen the roads and waterways that have been closed due to the battles breaking out in Rakhine State, U Thar Tun Hla, chairman of the Arakan National Party (ANP) told CNI News. 

Because the routes have been closed, the flow of goods has stopped. So, the locals are desperately in need of foodstuff and medicines and Civil organizations have not been able to help the locals yet, he said.

“In Rakhine State, the right to travel, the flow of goods and trade including foodstuff and medicine have been closed by the Tatmadaw. So, the Tatmadaw need to reopen the routes for the flow of goods. There is no situation that civil organizations also can help. The number of IDPs has increased day after day. So, it is necessary to reopen the routes that have been closed as soon as possible." U Thar Tun Hla, said.

While seeing members of the Arakan National Party

After the battles between the Tatmadaw and the AA resumed on 13th November 2023, routes have been closed. The AA stated that it was able to capture Paletwa Town on 14th January 2024.

It was possible that the Tatmadaw had closed the routes according to the security and depending on the battles, it might perform, said a politician. 

Employments have been suspended due to the battles and the people were finding it difficult for their livelihoods, U Nyi Pu, in charge of the Sinbaw Gaing IDP Camp in Mrauk U Township, told CNI News.

While seeing Rakhine IDPs

" There are a lot of difficulties. Now the people have no jobs. There are many IDPs. Moreover, more IDPs will increase. Because the people have no jobs, it's difficult for their livelihoods. A food crisis is taking place. The cultivation area is much less around here. Those who sell rice can't come here because the routes have been closed. The people here have no jobs. The prices of rice have gone up sharply. So, it's very difficult for the livelihoods." he said.

The battles are currently breaking out between the Tatmadaw and the AA in Sittwe, Kyauk Phyu, Ranbye, Myebon, Taung Goat, Thandwe, Maungdaw,Buthidaung, Rathedaung, Kyauktaw, Pauktaw, Minbya, Mrauk U, Ponna Kyun townships, Rakhine State as well as in Paletwa Township.