CNI News

16 January 2024

Questions and discussions in relation to whether the SAC accepts putting Hopang and Pan Lon in Shan State under the United Wa State Army (UWSA)'s administration are being conducted among political circles.

After the Three Brotherhood Alliance (MNDAA, TNLA and AA) attacked Hopang on 5th January, the UWSA deployed its troops in the town. After that, the UWSA controlled Pan Lon that is about 20 miles away from Hopang. 

The State Administration Council (SAC) had no objection about the UWSA's control over Hopang and Pan Lon because they had been the UWSA's territories since before, U Than Soe Naing, a Myanmar political commentator, told CNI News.

" Hopang and Pan Lon are two Wa townships omitted from Wa region because General Khin Nyunt's regime didn't grant Wa the state level. But according to military situation of the northeastern region that changed, the Myanmar National democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) handed over Hopang and Pan Lon to the UWSA. The SAC has no reason to object it because it is consistent with a real situation, I think." he said.

While seeing the UWSA officials who will administer Hopang and Pan Lon

After demanding the Union Government to give the two townships to the UWSA, the SAC agreed to hand over Hopang and Pan Lon to the UWSA on 4th January 2024, the Wa State TV stated on 13th January.

Hopang and Pan Lon that were under the Tatmadaw's control in the past were handed over to the UWSA, holding the ceremony on 10th and 11th January, it stated. However, the SAC did not release anything about handing over Hopang and Pan Lon to the UWSA.

Putting the two townships under the UWSA's administration has kind of broken the perpetuality of sovereignty, U Thet Zaw, a political commentator, told CNI News.

" As a citizen, I don't like putting these townships under the UWSA's administration because it has kind of broken the perpetuality of sovereignty among the Our Three Main Causes. We'll have to re-take the townships at one time or another. Different administrations like this isn't systematic, I think. We'll have to designate self administered regions only after the constitution is amended." he said.

According to the 2008 constitution, Hopang, Mongmao Panwai, Nahpan, Matman and Pangkham Townships have been designated as the Wa Self-Administered Division, grouping into two districts.