CNI News
6 January 2024

The special representative of the chairman of the ASEAN and Myanmar political parties enlisted by the Union Election Commission will meet on 12th January, 2024.

The current political situations and the ability to hold a free and fair general election will be discussed at the meeting.

However, inviting the ASEAN Special Representative to meet with Myanmar political parties has been wrong according to the procedure, pointed out the local politicians.    

" Although it's right that the UEC is responsible to hold a free and fair general election, that the UEC invites the ASEAN special representative to meet with the political parties is none of its business which might make other people misunderstand. The UEC has kind of controlled the parties. In fact, the office of the ASEAN Special Representative should invite the parties. It has sort of affected the State Administration Council rather than strengthen the institution of the SAC." said a political analyst.

while seeing some political party representatives and the UEC chairman U Thein Soe

It is also said that the recommendation document for the successful holding of a multi-party democratic general election must be submitted to the UEC by the political parties after they meet with the special representative on 12th January.

If it is a party that will compete nationwide, it must submit a recommendation document relating to the nationwide and if it is a party that will compete in a region or a state, particulars relating to a state or a region must be submitted to the UEC, according to the political parties.

After the new enactment of the Political Parties Re-Registration Act, there are 45 political parties that are registered by the UEC on 31st January, 2024.