CNI News

5 January 2024

The present time is an important period for the restoration of Special Region (1), said U Pheung Daxun on 1st January 2024 in his New Year Message.

U Pheung Daxun has taken responsibilities as general secretary of the Myanmar National Truth and Justice Party, as the Commander in Chief of the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) and as the chairman of the Shan State Special Region (1) Administrative Committee.

" Regaining power of the Special Region-1 of Shan State, Myanmar is just the first step in our national process. We have made preparations for party, administrative committee, military construction system, political system, administrative system and cadre training. But our forces have to inherit the frugal tradition of old revolutionists and their ways to do and must work hard all out together with the people for the regional development on the basis of the constitution of the Special Region-1." said U Pheung Daxun.

While seeing the MNDAA force

After that, however hard the future of Kokang region was, the special region administrative committee would not allow online gambling and narcotic drug industries. 

The people should not be oppressed. Corruption and bad habits that arose during the period when the puppet organization ruled would be absolutely eradicated, he said.

" What I can responsibly tell all the soldiers and civilians within the special region-1, the Myanmar National Truth and Justice Party (MNTJP), the MNDAA and the Special Region-1 Administrative Committee promise to make the special regional-1 peacefully develop. Because the present time is important for the restoration of the Special Region-1, if all the forces are able to overcome the final difficulties, the final success will arrive in the hands of the people, which I believe fully." said U Pheung Taxun.

It was strange that U Pheung Taxun's 2024 New Year Message did not contain anything about the federal charter and the NUG. The main objective of the Operation-1027 was to regain the Special Region-1 of the MNDAA and the operation was not obviously related to the NUG's Spring Revolution, pointed out political commentators.

While raising the flag of MNDAA in a town occupied by MNDAA

Even though U Pheung Daxun said that he would rebuild the Special Region (1), he did not reveal which regions would be consolidated and rebuilt as Special Region (1).  

The Kokang force led by U Pheung Kya-shin, father of U Pheung Daxun, made peace with the State Peace and Development Council in 1989 and Laukkai and Kon Kyan regions designated as the Special Region (1) after which the Kokang force was allowed to rule.

However, when the Tatmadaw pressured the Kokang force to convert to militia or border guard force in 2009, the battles broke out between the Tatmadaw and the Kokang force. And then, the Kokang force had to leave the Special Region (1). 

The MNDAA launched the Operation-1027 on 27th October 2023 and waging battles to capture the Tatmadaw camps and towns. The MNDAA has captured Konkyan, Phaung Sai, Chin Shwe Haw, Mong Ko, Hsenni and is launching an offensive in order to capture Kutkai and Laukkai. 

According to the Section-56(e) of the 2008 Constitution, Konkyan and Laukkai Townships have been designated as the Special Region (1).