CNI News
6 January 2024

EAOs have advised the State Administration Council to form a transitional government after the six month extention for the state of emergency expire on 31st January 2024, Col.Khun Okka, an EAO leader, told CNI News.

Their EAOs did not advise to form a coalition government but the EAOs advised to form a transitional government only, he said.

" It was wrong. It was just misinterpretted. We didn't mean a coalition government. We meaned the transitional authority. Its responsility is to supervise the transitional period. It is not even called a government. There were transitional authorities in the East Timor ans Nepal including other countries. Transitional Authority is included in our EAOs' roadmap." he said to CNI News.


While seeing representatives from EAOs

The Tatmadaw will have already taken the power for three years on 1st February, 2024 after declaring the state of emergency on 1st February 2021.

After January 31st, a transitional government or a coalition government may appear, which there are conversations among the political circles.

If the SAC formed a coalition governmant at present, that government would be of its choice, U Myo Kyaw, the spokesperson of the Uniuted Nationalities Alliance (UNA) told CNI News.

" Even If a coalition government arose, it would be the SAC's puppet government, I think because there was not a government that allowed the same power levels in the history of our country." he said.

While seeing representatives from political parties

While the EADs have advised the SAC to form a transitional government, Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing, chairman of the SAC would meet with political paties on 5th January to discuss the current Myanmar political situations. In the same way, a Chinese delegation will arrive in Myanmar and meet with the SAC officials including Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing on 5th and 6th January.

Because the six month extention for the state of emergency will expire on 31st January, the people from local and abroad are watching what the SAC will change next.

The Tatmadaw toppled down the NLD government on 1st February 2021 after saying the NLD was trying to form a government without solving the ballot dispute that took place in the 2020 general election. And then the Tatmadaw has taken the responsibility, declaring the state of emergency.