CNI News
January 1, 2024

The State Administration Council (SAC) would go on carrying out its political objectives and roadmap successfully, said Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing, chairman of the SAC in his News Year greeting address to the nation.

 Quite a lot of property owned by the country and the people were damaged in 2023 because of various destructive activities, which brought a negative sign for the country, he said.

" The government and all ethnic people were able to overcome some of the difficulties and challenges that they encountered in 2023, hand in hand successfully. Those who do not want to make their country develop peacefully and democratically disturbed the people in various ways. Due to various subversive ‌activities, the state-owned and the people's properties were damaged and lost, which was a negative sign for the country. If there were no such damages and losses, our country would develop a lot. This is a lesson for us. We must overcome these difficulties with united strength and with love for the country. In 2024, our government will carry out with the people hand in hand in order that we can successfully implement the national objectives, political objectives and roadmap." he said.

However, he did not reveal how to approach in order that the national and political objectives may be successful. The SAC would encourage the improvement of economic and educational sectors, said Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing.

Whie seeing the Five Point Roadmap of the SAC

Changes might appear at the end of January and on 1st February this year. So, The speech of the SAC chairman was not wrong, Col.Khun Okka, an EAO leader, told CNI News.

" He might have spoken like before because there have had no other changes during the New Year. But other changes might arise at the end of January and on 1st February or on 12th February. But what he have said so for the time being is not wrong, I think." said Col.Khun Okka.

The SAC has taken the power since the first of February 2021, declaring a state of emergency and its administration will be three years long on the first of February, 2024.

National census-taking would be conducted during this year so that a general election could be held and the SAC could hand over the State power to the winning party, said Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing.