CNI News

2 January  2024

Even if the EAOs and their allies were able to capture the territories of ethnic people, would the Tatmadaw continue airstrike, using sophisticated weapons, which Lt-Gen Min Naing, secretary of the National Solidarity and Peacemaking Negotiation Committee (NSPNC) of the State Administration Council said, according to Brig-Gen Ta Bon Kyaw, general secretary of the Ta'ang National Liberation Army.

" Attitude of the secretary of the NSPNC towards the country and ethnic people - 'even if you were able to capture the towns and villages of ethnic people, your regions would never be peaceful. We'll continue airstrikes, using sophisticated weapons that we have.” Brig-Gen Ta Bon Kyaw wrote on social network page on 1st January 2024.

The secretary of the NSPNC said at the meeting between the NSPNC led by Lt-Gen Min Naing and the Three Brotherhood Alliance (MNDAA,TNLA and AA) that was held in Kumming, China on 23rd December 2023, Brig-Gen Ta Bon Kyaw wrote on his page.

While seeing the letter written by Brig-Gen Ta Bon Kyaw

Currently, the TNLA has already captured Namtu, Namkham, Nangsan and Mang Ton Towns and is waging an offensive in order that Kyaukme and Hsibaw Towns in northern Shan State can be captured. 

In the same way, the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) has already captured Mong Ko, Phaung Sai, Kon Kyan, Kyukote (Pangsai) and Chin Shwe Haw Townships and is waging an offensive to capture Laukkai.

Moreover, the Arakan Army (AA) is waging battles in Rakhine State to expand controlled territories.

The Operation-1027 led by the Three Brotherhood Alliance has been waging since 27th October 2023 and the Mandalay People's Defense Force (MDY-PDF), the Bamar People Liberation Army (BPLA), the People's Liberation Army (PLA) and PDFs led by Bo Nagar are participating in the operation.