CNI News

1 January , 2024

The Enaing Bridge was damaged by mines on the road between Mamtu and Lashio at around 3:00 a.m 1st January 2024.

It was damaged by the Ta'ang National Liberation Army (TNLA), said locals. 

The TNLA has stated that it captured the Tatmadaw camps in Namtu a few days ago and has already controlled the entire town.

After that, the TNLA and its allies would go on attacking Kyaukme and Hsibaw and were making preparations to cut out the paths going to Lashio, said military experts.

Because people cannot go to Lashio from Namtu by cars and motorcycles through that bridge, it will be difficult for locals to travel and the flow of goods will also be cut out. 

They might suffer from commodity shortages and high prices, said locals.