CNI News

10 November 2023

The Tatmadaw was prioritizing to handle the places of military movements that can threaten Naypyidaw, Col.Khun Okka, an ethnic armed leader, told CNI News.

The Tatmadaw  was prioritizing military measures in Sagaing, Magway and Mandalay Regions and trying to control Karenni State, he said.

" The Tatmadaw is carrying out military measures as a priority in Sagaing, Magway and Mandalay Regions. Second priority is Karenni. It has also done a lot on the Karenni front. It doesn't prioritize very much the places such as Chin and KNU territories. The Tatmadaw seems to consider that it will be able to control them at any time. It will mainly handle the central elements that are threatening, I think." said Col.Khun Okka.

While seeing a place in the city of Naypyidaw

The battles have been breaking out between the Tatmadaw and the Three Brotherhood Alliance since 27th October 2023. Moreover, the battles are breaking out between the Tatmadaw and the KIA/PDF joint forces in Sagaing Region.

The Tatmadaw would mainly carry out to re-open the China-Myanmar trade route, Dr.Aung Myo, a Myanmar political commentator, told CNI News.

" The Tatmadaw will mainly carry out to re-open the China-Myanmar border trade route. The rest cases are not that important for the Tatmadaw. There isn't any Tatmadaw battalion in Kawlin. But to the north of Kawlin there is a battalion headquarters in Wuntho that is over 10 miles away from Kawlin. To the south of Kawlin, there are about 1,000 Kant Balu militias. It's not that the Tatmadaw doesn't care that territory. Mainly, it will carry out to re-open the China-Myanmar birder trade route." said Dr. Aung Myo.

While seeing the guide map to get to the MICC-2

Northern armed organizations were fighting against the Tatmadaw, blocking the Muse and Chin Shwe Haw trade routes and the Tatmadaw would carry out necessary response measures, said Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing, chairman of the State Administration Council, at the National Defense and Security Council meeting held on 8th November 2023.