CNI News

10 November 8, 2023

Myanmar workers in Thailand who have expired their MoU contracts have to come back to Myanmar-Thai border gates to renew. 

However, some of them don't come back to the border gates, Myanmar Embassy in Thailand stated. 

Those who don't come back to the gates will become overstayers, said in the statement.

So, if Myanmar MoU workers with full term have decided to enter Thailand again as MoU workers, they should come back to the border gates to renew, Ko Thargyi from the IBECSWO social welfare association, told CNI News.

" If the workers don't come back through an official channel, they will have no rights to re-enter Thailand. It will be better for them to go from an official channel. But they have their reasons. Those who come back like that have to pay 1,400 bahts for stamping fees. If so, they can re-enter. There is no problem for those who have their passports expired when they go back. Another thing, when they go back to Myanmar, They left their books with their relatives in Thailand. In Thailand, a guest is regularly allowed to stay for three months. When they come back through other channels, they take their books back. Mainly, it is convenient as long as a guest is allowed to stay for three months." he said.

Those who re-enter the Myanmar side with the U-Turn system

Myanmar MoU workers in Thailand have to enter Myanmar through the border gates when their MoUs expire. When they pass the gates, officials from the two countries conduct printing of entry and exit stamps and delisting.

Myanmar workers who didn't come back to the Myanmar side re-enter Thailand with MoU when Thai border immigration officials would find out they were overstayers. 

So, they will pay the fine, be limited for entrance or be taken action against, Myanmar Embassy has stated.

"Myanmar workers distant from Bangkok find it difficult to go to Bangkok to renew their passports and other documents. At the time of new labor registration, they have registered. Moreover, employers can't wait for his workers who will take time for renewal. So, they arrange with brokers. Brokers submit for the rights to stay and work for new workers. Workers have no rights to choose."he said.

At present Myanmar MoU workers don't have to go back to Yangon for renewal and they have to go to Myawady and Kawthaung for renewal, where officials provide service with one stop service.