CNI News

9 November 2023

As the trade through China-Myanmar border gates such as Mang Wein, Kyin San Kyawt, Chin Shwe Haw has stopped, Myanma economy has been affected by 50 percent, said economic commentators and border traders. 

Because the Mandalay-Muse trade route (Pyidaungsu Road) cannot be used due to battles, it has been difficult for farmers. Moreover, as the trade route was interrupted, it would be difficult for the local people's livelihoods as well, U Thet Zaw, an economic commentator, told CNI News.

Myanmar was mainly exporting agricultural crops to China through China-Myanmar trade route and cattle are also being exported.

" Myanma economy has been affected by 50 percent due to the battles. The goods from the Chinese side cannot come to the Myanmar side and vice versa. So, border trade is hurt by the billion dollars. Mainly, we have to export agricultural goods during the season. If we can't export them in time, they will be damaged. because we can't stock them. Local people's livelihoods will be quite difficult. So, We must try so hard to recover the economy. In my opinion, the government should carry out as soon as possible to make the territories stable and peaceful and to make the battles end." said U Thet Zaw to CNI News.

While seeing the militia

Myanmar has not been able to export its goods to China through Muse and Kyim San Kyawt border trade. Moreover, fruit traders have to be exporting their goods through Lweje border gate in Kachin State and Myla border gate in eastern Shan State.

 Although the cost was about 60 kyats only for a truck with goods in exporting goods from Kyin San Kyawt gate, the current cost is about 100 kyats, Ko Thit Sar, a watermelon trader, told CNI News.

" We are currently exporting our goods to China through Lweje and Myla. The cost has increased by about three times. In the past, when we regularly went from Kyin San Kyawt to Wang Ding, the cost was about 60 kyats. But now,even truck fee from Thibaw to east Shan State is about 50 kyats. Duty is 400 yuan. The total cost including other expenditures is over 100 kyats." he said.

While seeing someone doing border trade

In the export of goods to China through Lweje and Myla, fruit only is being exported and other commodities such as rice, corn, various peas and beans, and aqua products have not been able to be exported.

However, because the journey is more distant and it takes longer, the quality of the fruit declines and the amount of damage increases reportedly. However, because of the demand for fruits from China, Myanmar traders can sell fruits at a high price and are making a profit, said traders.

Due to the battles between the Three Brotherhood Alliance and the Tatmadaw are taking place in northern Shan State, border trades at Mang Wein, Kyin San Kyawt and Chin Shwe Haw have stopped starting from 27th October 2023.