CNI News

12 October 2023

Former Lt-Gen Moe Myint Tun and former Brig-Gen Yan Naung Soe were sentenced to life imprisonment that equals to 20 years because they committed high treason, violation of the military rules and corruptions, the State Administration Council (SAC) stated. 

Former Lt-Gen Moe Myint Tun served as the member of the SAC, chairman of the Myanmar Investment Commission, chairman of the Foreign Exchange Supervisory Committee and chairman of the Central Committee on Ensuring Smooth Flow of Trade and Goods.

While he was serving the above duties, he committed high treason because he carried out against the prior processes and objectives laid down by the State by procuring personal profit against the State policies on foreign exchange, important commodity and other economic affairs.

Although the government sold US dollars at a reference price to import palm oil from abroad for the amount designated, he failed to take action against those who were selling palm oil at a higher price than the reference rate and took part in selling like that. 

Moreover, he abused power by receiving bribes from companies, and committed holding foreign currencies illegally, breaking the military rules and participating in civilian business activities after which he was charged with relevant law sections and he was sentenced to life imprisonment by a military court, the SAC stated on 10 October 2023.

In the same way, former Brig-Gen Yan Naung Soe served as the joint secretary of the Central Committee on Ensuring Smooth Flow of Trade and Goods. 

While he was serving the duty, he procured personal profit against the State economic policy and he committed high treason in collaboration with former Lt-Gen Moe Myint Tun by carrying out deviating from the State policies on foreign exchange, important commodity and other economic affairs and also committed abusing power by allowing businessmen to exchange foreign currencies with Myanmar kyat.

Moreover, he received foreign currencies and Myanmar kyat from businessmen as bribes and he illegally acted as a liaison between former Lt-Gen Moe Myint Tun and businessmen. 

Besides he committed holding foreign currencies illegally, breaking the military rules and taking part in civilian business activities. So, he was charged with relevant law sections and sentenced to life imprisonment by a military court, the SAC stated.