CNI News

12 October 2023

Although some sugar mills opened the price of sugar cane with 110,000 kyats per ton last month,  at present, the price has been increased up to 120,000 kyats per ton. 

Ngwe Yi Palei Sugar Mill and Mai Rel Sugar Mill have said that they will buy sugar cane at 120,000 kyats per ton.

Because the current sugar price is going up, sugar cane price has risen and the price can rise any more until the sugar cane cutting season, said U Win Htay, vice chairman of the Myanmar Sugar and Cane Related Products Association, to CNI News.

“The two mills that paid 110,000 kyats per ton in the past have raised the price now. The price might rise anymore. In comparison with the current sugar price, there is a situation that can raise the price anymore. The farmers are saying even the price of 130,000 kyats per ton doesn't make them earn a lot of profit. But according to our calculation, this rate is not too bad for farmers. The price could rise anymore." said U Win Htay.

The price of 120,000 kyats per ton of sugar cane is the one the sugar mills will buy the sugar cane that has arrived in the mills. In the same way, sugar mills in Sagaing Region will pay the price that sugar mills in Shan State pay, said sugar cane farmers in Sagaing Region.

Sugar cane sticks

Although the price of 120,000 kyats per ton of sugar cane is suitable for the farmers, according to the current sugar price, the farmers should get more than 120,000 kyats and the farmers have expected to get at least 130,000 kyats, said U Maung Swe, a sugar cane farmer from Sagaing Region, to CNI News. 

Because 120,000 kyats per ton of sugar cane is the price that the farmers will have to send to the factory, the farmers get only about 100,000 kyats for a ton of sugar cane reportedly.

" Wemar sugar mill in our region will surely pay the price of 120,000 kuyats as Ngwe Yi Palei does. It did pay last year as Ngwe Yi Palei. The farmers are saying that they should get at least 130,000 kyats per ton in comparison with the current sugar price. In fact, they want to get 135,000 kyats." he said.

 Because the price of sugarcane was high in the last sugarcane season, the farmers expanded sugarcane cultivation.

In the same way, the current price of sugarcane is beneficial to the farmers, the cultivation will increase 20 percent in the coming sugarcane season, estimated the Myanmar Sugar and Cane Related Products Association.

Sugarcane is mainly grown in Shan State, Sagaing, Magway and Bago Regions and sugar mills have also expanded and opened reportedly.