CNI News

12 October 2023

Although Southwest Monsoon has already retreated in Northern and Central Myanmar, as it is at a standstill in the delta, rainfalls will continue, said U Hla Tun, Director of the Directorate of Meteorology and Hydrology, to CNI News.

So, the rain will not stop in the delta areas in coming days, he said.

" The monsoon at a standstill on the delta, so the delta region gets much rain. The delta region contains Bago, Yangon and Ayeyarwady Regions. It will rain in Bago for a few days. But it won't rain as much as before. If it rains heavily within a very short time, floods can arise. When the monsoon is going to retreat, it may rain heavily within a few days." he said.

Flooding in Bago City

Although the monsoon has retreated in northern and central regions, there will be a lot to rain. Sometimes, there will be kind of intermittent rain, he added.

Due to record flooding after it has been raining heavily starting from a few days ago in Bago Region as the monsoon at a standstill, there are more than fourteen thousand people affected by the flood from the 3,465 households in 36 relief camps, the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement has stated.

Moreover, there has been floods in Hlegu Town on 10th October, Ko Zwe Yan Naing, chairman of the Shwe Yaung Thamaing Emergence Relief Association, to CNI News.

While being transported by rescue workers

" Now the water is rising between the entrance to Hlegu Town and the Hlegu Market. Now we are evacuating the elderly. The amount of rising water is high. The water has risen up to waist level and higher than it in some places. We and other social organizations including red cross and fire brigade are helping." he said.

According to the nature of monsoon, when it enters and retreat, due to atmospheric turbulence, it tends to rain heavily and the monsoon probably will retreat on 20th October, said U Hla Tun.

Although the monsoon retreats from Myanmar, as lower air pressure areas may appear in the Bay of Bengal and remnant rain clouds of the storm from the South China Sea may move, it is less likely that the rain will stop reportedly.