CNI News

22 September 2023

A ministry that will separately perform to end armed conflicts and to be able to successfully carry out peace process is needed, said politicians and people who are working in the peace processes. 

ministry in question doesn't have to do anything except for the peace process, they suggested. It is unlikely to form a ministry like that under the State Administration Council. 

According to the path on which the SAC is going after renewing every six months, it may be difficult to form the ministry, said Khun Okka, patron of the Pa-O National Liberation Organization (PNLO), to CNI News.

Lt-Gen Yar Pyae, chairman of the NSPNC

" When the Myanmar Peace Center existed, the ministry for peace didn't exist. But under of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, we needed the ministry for peace because those in charge such as Dr. Tin Myo Win had a weak way of dealing with the peace process. So, we advised to form a ministry for peace. But DASSK rejected. When anymore of changes happened, because there was the ministry for peace, the peace process had been interrupted. If there was the ministry for peace, the foundation for peace process was strong. As the SAC has to renew every six months, they are not in a situation to form a ministry for peace, I think." he said.

The SAC is carrying out for peace process after forming the National Solidarity and Peacemaking Working Committee led by Vice Sr-Gen Soe Win and the National Solidarity Peacemaking Negotiation Committee led by Lt-Gen Yar Pyae. 

Apart from the peace process, Lt-Gen Yar Pyae has held the positions of the Minster for Home Affairs, member the SAC and National Security Advisor.

If there was a ministry that could concentrate on peace process only, it would be more convenient, said U Tun Aung Kyaw, member of the policy steering committee from the Arakan National Party (ANP), to CNI News.

7 NCA signatories and NSPNC were discussing

 " It is necessary to have a ministry for peace, I think. Because I deeply believe an enormous conflict like this could be overcome only after negotiation, It would be more proper if there was a ministry that was made up of individuals with political ideas." said U Tun Aung Kyaw.

Apart from seven NCA signatories, the SAC is negotiating for peace with non-NCA signatories - the Shan State Progressive Party (SSPP), the National Democratic Alliance Army (NDAA) and the United Wa State Army.

"Currently, how are we going to find the solution by meeting and negotiation? Although a ministry for peace is formed, what are attitudes of the rest organizations? We should have a route of negotiation that we can carry out. Shall we perform the peace process by forming a department or as an organization. We have to choose something." said Mai Ohn Khine, a Palaung politician, to CNI News.