CNI News

21 September 2023

Those who started the Spring Revolution that caused the Myanmar political crisis must solve the crisis, said U Ba Shein, former Pyithu Hluttaw representative from the Arakan National Party, to CNI News.

He couldn't know how the current revolution would go on after it was started and the problem solution depends on the organizations that started the revolution, he said.

 " Who started the Spring Revolution? What are the destinations of the people who are waging the revolution? How are they going to the destinations? Are they crying out loud in disarray as the 'Spring Revolution'. After they had made political plans, if they are performing, they must have plans. Those who started agitating to wage the Spring Revolution - what do they talk about it? It is important." he said to CNI News.

A PDF comrade and U Yi Mon, the NUG's Defense Minister

Myanmar Tatmadaw toppled down the NLD government on 1 February 2021 after saying the NLD was trying to from a government without solving the vote list dispute in the 2020 general election and has taken power. 

After that, NLD MPs and democratic elements waged the Spring Revolution. Armed conflict coming from the Spring Revolution has not been able to be solved although it has been over two years long and Myanmar nationals are facing with various crises.

The path of meeting and negotiating is the best to solve Myanmar political problem, said Mai Ohn Khine, a Palaung politician, to CNI News.

Myanmar Tatmadaw

 " The best way is to meet and negotiate. There is no way better than it, I think. It is the way that can go to peace. Mainly, if all the local elements demand the rights unitedly, it will be convenient, I think." he said. 
International community including some domestic political organizations, ASEAN and UN are trying to solve Myanmar political problem.

However, the organizations involved in the conflict are keener on fighting to knock out their enemy rather than negotiation. Currently, battles are breaking out in Sagaing, Magway, Tanintharyi Regions, Chin, Kayin, Kayah, Kachin and Mon States. 

Due to these armed conflicts, All the sectors including politics, economy, education, health are deteriorating.