CNI News

21 September 2023

As it has been ceaselessly raining lately, some rice plantations in Ayeyarwady, Bago and Yangon Regions have become waterlogged, if it goes on raining anymore, the rice yield may decrease by 10 percent, according to farmers. 

Because it has been raining daily since the second week of September, some rice plants are drowning and plants are falling. 

If it goes on raining anymore, the yield of rainfed rice may decrease by 10 percent in upper Ayeyarwady Region and Bago Region, said U Thein Aung, chairman of the Farmers Development Association, to CNI News.

" Largely, short-lived Aemahta rice paddy is grown in upper Ayeyarwady Region and Bago Region and now the rice paddy starts ripening. If it is continuously raining for  any more of five days, the yield may decrease by 10 percent." he said.

Rice paddy fields that are waterlogged

Rice paddy plants in Hinthada, Myan Aung, Kyon Pyaw, Maubin, upper Pathein Districts, upper Ayeyarwady Region are waterlogged and there are some damages, but there are no damages in Pyapon, Kyaik Lat, Labutta and Myaungmya Districts because they are on the higher land reportedly.

The paddy fields which have not been waterlogged in Bogale Township are infected with pest and the cost for spraying pesticide about 100,000 kyats per acre. But Due to being able to spray pesticide in time, the yield can be damaged a little, said U Aye Naing, a farmer from Bogale Township, to CNI News.

" We use pesticide in the paddy nurseries and plantations. The cost has increased. Because we can spray pesticide in time, rice paddy is not badly damaged. But the yield can be damaged a little. When the fungus is infected, it is a little worrying. It is still possible to fix it now." he said.

The rice paddy that was waterlogged tend to decrease in its yield and when it is harvested, it is sold at a lower price than the market price.