CNI News

22 September 2023

Basic reference price for rice paddy have been designated 1,300,000 to 2,000,000 kyats for 100 baskets depending on kinds of rice paddy for the 2023 rainfed paddy season by the Myanmar Rice Federation, which is not fair, said U Thein Aung, chairman of the Farmers Development Association, to CNI News. 
Buyers have to buy 100 basket of Aemahta rice paddy, a kind of rough rice, at 1,300,000 to 1,500,000 kyats and if someone bought Aemahta at more than 1,500,000 kyats, they will be investigated and taken action against, said in the statement released by the Myanmar Rice Federation.

Because the statement doesn't contain that those who buy rice paddy at less than the price designated will be taken action against, and that pound weight for 100 basket of rice paddy. So, it is just bias without being fair, said U Thein Aung.

rice paddy field

" Their designation is 100 basket, but the statement doesn't contain how many pounds must be for one basket. 46 pounds are equal to one basket which is internationally recognized. Buyers in villages are buying rice paddy designating 50 to 55 pounds for one basket. They just say basket, but not pound weight. And they have controlled the highest price. And those who buy at more than 1,500,000 kyats will be taken action against said in the statement, which, however, doesn't contain that those who buy at less than 1,300,000 kyats will be taken action against. To tell you frankly, the statement is just bias." said U Thein Aung.

The prices the Myanmar Rice Federation has designated for 100 baskets of rice paddy are 13 to 15 lakh kyats for Aemahta, 16 to 18 lakh kyats for Ayeyarwady Pawsan, 18 to 20 lakh kyats for Shwe Bo Pawsan.

Farmers who grow rice paddy

Basic reference price designation intends to enable farmers, rice producers and traders to earn a reasonable profit and in order not to burden consumers, said in the statement. 
"Because we are worried that the prices of rice and paddy will rise,  basic paddy price has been released after guesstimate so that we can estimate that we should trade at which price. Only after we have calculated how much farmers will make a profit and in order not burden the consumers, we have released the statement." said an official from the Myanmar Rice Federation.

Although basic reference prices enable farmers to make a reasonable profit, it is necessary to take action against buyers who buy at less that the prices designated and to raise prices depending on the pound weight gap from the calculation of the 100 baskets, said farmers.