CNI News
17 September 2023

The National Unity Government announced 44 bank staff including the governor of the Central Bank of Myanmar as terrorists, accusing they are financially supporting the Tatmadaw's operations on 14 September 2023.

The staff that the NUG has designated as terrorists contain Central Bank of Myanmar Governor Daw Than Than Swe, vice governor U Zaw Myint Naing, vice governor Dr.Lin Aung, Permanent Secretary U Aung Aung, Director Generals, Deputy Director Generals and Directors.

The Central Bank has not implemented a monetary policy to stabilize commodity prices, but has instead been the main financier of the State Administration ( origin-terrorist group) by printing a lot of local currency (Myanmar Kyat). As a result, the people are suffering from higher commodity prices due to excessive monetary inflation, which were mentioned in the NUG's statement.

Seeing the list of people in the NUG statement

The Central Bank has used foreign currencies that must be managed on behalf of the public to buy weapons to kill civilians from abroad including jet fuel for the SAC (origin-military council) and misused the public funds, said in the statement.

For committing above-mentioned actions, 44 staff including Central Bank Governor have been designated as terrorists, the NUG announced.  

The NUG's statement may have no effect in practice because it has no practical authority, pointed out the political circles.