CNI News
17 September 2023

As the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA) has been more active in Buthidaung and Maungdaw, Rakhine State, security organizations should taken action against it to prevent the public harm, said Ko Kyaw Lin Tun, founder of the Roma Time Organization, to CNI News.

While IDPs are not able to return their homes due to the battles between the Tatmadaw and the Arakan Army (ULA/AA), ARSA has been more active starting from the western Rakhine State. So, it is worrisome for the security of local people, he said.

" The AA wants the Rakhine to develop and the Tatmadaw also thinks that all the land belongs to them. So, both of these organizations will have the matters like this to deal with. They dis operations in the past as well. But there's one thing worrisome. While they are looking for the ARSA, it is also important not to harm other communities, including Muslims. When they carry out clearance operations, it's important not to harm any ethnicities." said Ko Kyaw Lin Tun.

Myanmar Tatmadaw

One day after a Muslim man from Mi Gyanug Gaung Zwe Village in Buthidaung Township was arrested by the ARSA on 9th September, he was found dead reportedly.

In August, two Muslim men from San Pat Kone Village were arrested by the ARSA.

They have always pointed out that the ARSA is going in the direction of terrorism, said U Thein Tun Oo, director of the ThayNinGa Institute for Strategic Studies, to CNI News.

"If you ask AA about the ARSA, you will know more. We have always pointed out that ARSA is going in the direction of terrorism. What happened later was that ARSA wanted to cooperate with them. The ARSA think that they should be given a place. If you want to know the exact reason why the ARSA movement started arising, you'll have to ask the AA." he said.

An intersection in Rakhine State

After the ARSA forces fought against the 30 Myanmar border guard outposts on 26 August 2017, the battles between the Tatmadaw and the ARSA broke out until the end of 2018.

Again, the ARSA has been more active in Buthidaung and Maungdaw Townships starting from August this year after which arrests and killings arose, said locals.

The Tatmadaw, the ULA/AA, the ARSA, the Arakan Liberation Party (ALP), the Rohingya Solidarity Organization (RSO) are being active in northern Rakhine State reportedly.