CNI News

11 August 2023

Since some parts of New Asia Highway between Myawady and Kawkareik were damaged due to heavy rain on 7th August. Sending Mou workers to Thailand has been suspended, said overseas employment agencies to CNI News.    

Agencies that left on 7th August to send MoU workers had to  temporarily stay at the nearby monasteries and if impossible, they would probably come back to Yangon, said agencies. 

Because Myawaddy-Kawkareik New Asia road is the main trade route apart from sending MoU workers, agencies have expected the government to solve the problem in some way.  

" Some agencies and MoU workers who left on 7th August were stranded on the way there. But the youths I have to send were just in Yangon on that day. 

Destruction of New Asia Highway

So, I asked them to go home. I'll send them only when the road has been repaired already. A bridge on the old road has broken. Agencies haven't used the old road for long. The old road is worse than before. We were able to use the old road only one day for going or coming. The people who will be sent any more have to use another route. They have to change to the route going to Ranong-Kawthaung. For the time being, a temporary bridge will be built for the people only to pass, I think. I have told the youths who will go to Thailand and Malaysia to take their time." said Daw Myat Hayman Lin, managing director of the Pwint Phu Aung Overseas Employment Agency.   
Small vehicles have been allowed to pass through mountain old road between Myawady and Kawkareik since the night of 8th August reportedly. Agencies said that they would not send  their MoU workers because not only they have not used the old road for long and it's also not safe to use it. 

MoU workers can be sent by flight or using the Kawthaung-Ranong route. But those routes would cost MoU workers any more, said agencies to CNI News.

MoU workers who will go to Thailand

"It will be delayed because no one asks you to walk down to the bottom of the mountain. If there's anything wrong, the agency will be taken action against. So, all the agencies are waiting to permit them to send the workers by flight. If they didn't get permission, they would have to use the Kawthaung- Ranong route. If that's so, they have to ask permission again for a new route. The organizations that will come and meet from the Thai side have to ask permission again from the Thai labor ministry. So, we have to watch the situation for a few days. The department has asked us to collect the air ticket fees from the workers" said U Win Myint, managing director of the Lucky Overseas Employment Agency.

The government would build a temporary bridge at the part of the road that collapsed, said the information department of the State Administration Council. Part of the road that collapsed is 200 feet long and 35 feet deep. It could take one week or two week to finish building the bailey bridge reportedly.