CNI News

11 August 2023

Western part of Banmauk Township, upper Sagaing Region has started being stable, but the People's Defense Force (PDF) and the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) are still cutting off food for the town, said Banmauk residents.

In the past, the Shanni Nationalities Army (SNA) was active in Banmauk Township.
But KIA/ PDF joint forces penetrated the township and then battles broke out between the two sides after which KIA/PDF have influenced most of the territory. 

After that most of locals from the western part of Banmauk Township had to displace. After KIA/PDG withdrew, currently, the western part has started being stable, said a local.

Entrance to Banmauk Town

" We can say that it is peaceful in comparison with that PDFS were here before. When they were here, SNA came and fought to regain its territory. And the Tatmadaw also came here. So, it was not peaceful here. But PDFs have left. Although they have left, they come back and fight. But  the situation is not so bad. Not very long ago, the Tatmadaw came and attacked with an airplane. After that it's been more stable. Battles break out every so often. But it's not that bad any more. For the time being, we can say it's stable. Schools have reopened. The schools in the western part are opening self-supporting types." he said.

At  present, KIA/PDF have controlled the southern part and northern part of Banmauk and allowed the flow of commodities in those parts. 
So, if a barrel of oil is paid  600,000 kyats in the south and north parts, it is paid 800,000 kyats in the town and western part, he said. 
The flow of commodities through Banmauk has been cut by KIA/PDF and they have destroyed the main road with heavy machineries, said a Banmauk resident to CNI News.

Houses and rice in Kyaung Le Village burned by KIA/PDF 

" PDFs don't let the commodities enter here. Fuel and foodstuff are not allowed. But commodities have to be imported without making them know. If they catch you, you'll have to pay the fine. If they catch you carry the goods on a motorcycle, you have to pay 50,000 kyats for the fine. Some people who carry the goods without their knowledge are beaten. They have destroyed the main road with backhoes. Banmauk-Indaw road has been destroyed as well like this. The road between Banmauk and southern part also has been destroyed. You can't go to southern part and western part. They have created to enable cars not to go easily. They have allowed us to send food and oil to the southern villages. They have cut off the town only. The army has been deployed in the town." he said.

KIA/PDF set fire to over 30 houses in Kyaung Le VIllage at the end of July, said locals. 
Because the battles are breaking out between the two sides and public roads have been blocked, the flow of commodities is stopping and foodstuff also are scarce there reportedly.

Moreover, due to the battles that arose from the political changes, about ten thousand locals have displaced reportedly.