CNI News

11 August 2023

Flood arose from ceaseless rain, which damaged about ten thousands acres of rain-fed rice, said farmers. 

Rainfed rice that has been grown in Kyauk Taw, Mrauk U, Min Pya and Ponna Kyun townships which are located along Lay Myo, Kaladan and Ma Yu rivers was sunk in water and damaged, said farmers from Rakhine.

About ten thousand acres of rainfed rice could be damaged by the flood in Mrauk U Township where there are more than one hundred thousand acres of rainfed rice, said U Maung Thein Hla, secretary of the Danyawadi Farmers Federation to CNI News.

" Rice plantations to the west of the Yangon-Sittwe road are not badly damaged, but the plantations to the east of the road are badly damaged. The plants are no more in some places. There are about 120,000 acres of rice and of them, about ten thousand acres of rice have been damaged. Now the farmers there are preparing to plant rice again." he said.

Flood taking place

There are about 750,000 acres of rainfed rice planted in Rakhine State this year and although rice can be planted in the places damaged, because rice to be transplanted was damaged due to the Mocha cyclone, currently it is difficult to find the rice to be transplanted, said farmers from Rahine State.
Because it was raining ceaselessly in Rakhine State on 2nd August,  water level of the Kaladan River raised and about half of the rainfed rice acres in Kyauktaw Township was possibly damaged, U Maung Tui, a farmer from Kyauktaw Township to CNI News.

" Damage seems to be a lot. 50 percent or so will be damaged, I think. 80 percent of my rice plantation has been damaged. I think I'll grow rice again." he said.

Flooding in Minbya Township, Rakhine

In the same way, as it was raining ceaselessly in Bilin, Paung and Thaton Townships in Mon State a few days ago, Bilin River flooded and rainfed rice was sunk. 

Short-term rice only could be grown at the places that were sunk. But if it rains heavily again, rice can be ruined," said Ko Lwin Aye, a farmer from Paung Township to CNI News.

"Rice that was sunk is largely dies. Rice plantations in Kyauk Yedwin and Tamar Baung were badly damaged. When the water declines, short term rice can be grown. But you can't take it for granted. We get much rain in July and August." he said.

Relevant governments have not recorded in relation to the damage of rainfed rice in Mon and Rakhine State, said farmers. Relevant ministries record the amount of rainfed rice damaged and should provide the farmers with necessary aids, said farmers.