CNI News

August 11, 2023

As the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) had been void, there was no need to follow the NCA, said Pado Sawta Do Hmu, general secretary of the Karen National Union (KNU). 

He said as above at the press conference on the KNU's 100 day program on 10th August, 2023.

" We don't need to follow the NCA any more because basic principle mentioned in the Chapter 1, heart of the NCA, was crushed and damaged by the Tatmadaw. The NCA is no more. So, Fooling international or the people by using the NCA doesn't belong to us at all." he said.

There are eleven points in the basic principle mentioned in the chapter-1 of the NCA. 

8 armed organizations including KNU were signing the NCA on 15th October, 2015

Among them, (a) Orienting non-disintegration of the union, non-disintegration of the national solidarity and perpetuation of the national sovereignty, based on freedom, equal rights and justice, in accordance with the Panglong Spirit, the union that is based on democratic and federal systems and that fully guarantees democracy, national equal rights and self-determination rights will be established in accordance with the results from the political discussions.

Moreover, in (b),To give a priority to the nationwide ceasefire in order to end armed conflicts for many decades, having established a new political culture that will solve the political problem with political method without solving with the military method, has been imposed.

"In striving to establish a union based on democratic and federal systems, ethnic armed conflicts breaking out are the main stumbling blocks and in relation to ethnic rights, to carry out in accordance with the realities of the current country, thinking long term is needed." said Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing while he was meeting with union ministers on 8th August, 2023.

Moreover, he would perform peace processes in line with the NCA, he said.

Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing

The Tatmadaw has pointed out that some NCA signatories _ the Karen National Union and the Chin National Front (CNF) are violating provisions mentioned in chapter-3 of the NCA. 

The Karen National Union (KNU), the Chin National Front (CNF), All Burma Students Democratic Front, the Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS), Pa-O National Liberation Organization (PNLO), Arakan Liberation Party (ALP), the KNU/KNLA Peace Council (KPC) and the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army (DKBA) signed the NCA on 15th October,2015.

After that, the New Mon State Party (NMSP), Lahu Democratic Union (LDU) signed the NCA on 13th February, 2018. At present, in collaboration with the People's Defense Forces (PDF), KNU, CNF, ABSDF and KIA are fighting against the Tatmadaw.