CNI News

10 August 2023

U Henry Van Thio, vice president-2 of the NLD government had been expelled from the NLD party because he attended the National Defense and Security Council meeting held by the State Administration Council said in a statement released by the NLD's exiled Central Working Committee on 9th August.    

Although U Henry Van Thio was faithfully assigned by the party during the Hluttaw's tenure 2016-2021, he was found to cooperate with the military group on 31st July, 2023, said in the statement.

NLD CWC's statement that expelled U Henry Van Thio 

In relation to that matter, Second Central Committee Interim Emergency meeting was called and the opinions of the central committee members were discussed and decided to expel U Henry Van Thio from the party, said in the statement.

The Central Working Committee announced on 3rd March, 2023 that it had expelled U Phyo Min Thein, member of the Central Executive Committee, Daw Sandar Min, U Toe Lwin and U Win Myint Aung, members of the Central Committee from the party. 

According to the rules laid down by the NLD, those who fled to a foreign country were not allowed to form a central working committee and the CWC was illegal, replied the members who were dismissed.