CNI News

10 August 2023

The main stumbling blocks which prevent building a union that is based on democracy and federalism are ethnic armed conflicts, said Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing, chairman of the State Administration Council. 

He said that as above while he was meeting with officials from the union ministries on 8th August 2023.

Democracy means democratic governance and federalism means a union that combines with federal authority. Because a variety of ethnic people live in Regions and States, when implementing the federalism, it must be carried out on the basis of the region instead of the race, said Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing.

" Federal rights have been granted in the constitution. You may know it if you study the constitution. As the constitution has been enacted in accordance with the people's desire after a referendum was held, If it is consistent with the will of the people, in order to amend the points that should be amended the Tatmadaw has agreed." he said. 

Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing meeting with the members of the union government

It was necessary to combine the democratic governance with federal rights in a balanced manner, said chairman of the SAC.

" In order to build a union based on democracy and federalism, the main stumbling blocks are armed ethnic conflicts taking place. In relation to ethnic rights, it is necessary to carry out, thinking long term in accordance with the realities of the current country." said Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing.

Nine new objectives will be implemented after the SAC and the union government were reshuffled and the first point is to cement a disciplined, genuine multiparty democratic system and build a Union based on democratic and federal systems. Second point is to perform emphatically in line with the agreements from the NCA for. 

the perpetual peace in the whole country. Third point is to carry out emphatically to enjoy the safety of socioeconomic life of the people and to fully achieve the peace and stability, and rule of law in the entire union.

However, at present, Myanmar people cannot use enough electricity and they are suffering from high prices of basic foods. 
Moreover, transportation is not safe and job opportunity is scarce. Moreover, the people are suffering from monetary inflation and there is no rule of law.