CNI News

9 August 2023

Because some parts of the road of the New Asia Highway collapsed and damaged due to the torrential rain, the delivery of goods has been stopped, said Myanmar highway delivery entrepreneurs.

It was raining heavily in Kayin State on 7th August and some parts of New Asia Highway between Kawkareik and Myawady collapsed.

Moreover, trucks could not go on the old road because ground below the road was getting lower, said a highway delivery businessman to CNI News. 

Flooding on New Asia Highway somewhere between Kawkareik and Myawady on 5th August 2023

"It happened yesterday. No one has gone. For the time being, we have stopped delivery. A man can't even go. You can't even go on a motorcycle. On the old road too, the ground below a bridge is getting lower and trucks can't go. It can take about five days if it is repaired. Cargo shipments for both import and export have stopped. There are other roads but they can't help to support the cargo shipment" he said. 

When the old Asia highway has been repaired already, although 12 wheel trucks and other lorries can go, box container trailers can't go. 

So, container trailers have to wait until New Asia Highway has already been repaired, said U Aung Moe, chairman of the Transportation and Logistics Management Federation to CNI News.

A truck driver on the new Asia highway between Thailand and Myanmar (Frontier)

" Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, the old road can be used for small cars and 12 wheel trucks but not for 40 foot long container cars." he said.

The Asia Highway is the main important route in the transportation of goods between Myanmar and Thailand and a variety of trucks are going and coming daily on the road. 

Moreover, those who will go to Thailand for work, buses and family cars are are going and coming on it as well. If the Asia Highway that has damaged is not quickly repaired, the flow of commodities between the two countries may delay and domestic freight transport may be affected as well, said traders and businessmen.